
Welcome to Intransigence

Intransigence is an online journal which is a joint undertaking between a few groups (Workers' Offensive, Gulf Coast Communist Fraction, Internationalist Workers Group, and Klasbatalo Collective) and individuals in North America. It is subtitled “Publication of the Internationalists in North America”. Its self-proclaimed goal is “to aid in the regrouping effort that is currently underway, serving as both a medium for internal discussion and a means of publicizing these views.”

Putting it all on Red - The Michael Laski Story

A tale of gambling, violence and betrayal in 60s America. Starring a romantic rebel hounded by his inner demons.

Brexit – Ruling Class Strategic Chaos Unleashes Parliamentary Pantomime

The latest ministerial resignations of David Davies, Minister for Brexit, and Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson only underline the complete confusion at the heart of the government and the British ruling class in general. We have catalogued both this comedy of errors and what is causing it in previous articles on the Brexit decision.

Response: A digital capitalism Marx might enjoy

This is a response to an article originally posted on the MIT Technology review . The article claims that the nature of capital has changed so much from the newly industrialized economies Marx knew that there is a fundamental change in capitalism Marx could agree with. They take this position in favor of labor, but we will see just how good their analysis and proposal for the position of the laborer in future society is.

Intro to communism through the camping trip

This was written a while back and is meant to be a simple intro for those new to communism. This intro is made to help assist newcomers to some of the simple misunderstandings surrounding communism.

Welcome to “Emancipación” (Spain)

We welcome the formation in Spain of a new nucleus of the future world party of the proletariat, one of the many fruits of the work of the Nuevo Curso blog collective from which they have sprung. We see them as a new, young and vital expression of the development of a movement based on the historic acquisitions of the class and look forward to working and exchanging with them as they develop. We reproduce here the translation of their initial founding announcement, as well as the introduction to it by Nuevo Curso. -Internationalist Communist Tendency

AMLO or the "anti-imperialism" of the Mexican bourgeoisie

We have translated the following article on the Mexican election from the Spanish blog Nuevo Curso. We share its estimate that the new government will be as anti-working class as all previous Mexican governments despite the rhetoric of the new President, López Obrador. We also agree that his appeal to the Mexican ruling class lies in his aim to eradicate graft and end the impunity of the corrupt in the system.

Living The Dream with The Maritime Defence Committee during the 1998 Wharf Dispute

It's been 20 years since the MUA dispute. What went on and what lessons are there for class struggle today.
This is the latest episode of Living The Dream hosted by The Word From Struggle Street

A serious public transport strike in the Netherlands

Stop work pressure - less work pressure, less people sick

There is some serious strike action going on in the Netherlands in regional public transport. This is like a breath of fresh air in a country where the Right is on the rampage and workers' struggles have been quite subdued for much too long.

State Socialist Anti-Communism

Something of a reply to the essay by Michael Parenti, "Left Anti-Communism: The Unkindest Cut" and a retort to the tenancy of modern Stalinists to attack their left opponents by calling them "anti-communist". This article argues that state socialism as a project and ideology was/is effectively anti-communist.

RWU Convention solidarity workshop report-back

China to US class composition & schematic of supply chain

On April 5-6, 2018 Railroad Workers United held their biennial convention, just prior and in coordination with the Labor Notes Conference, in Chicago. Supply Chain Study/Research Group facilitated a workshop entitled "Struggles Along Supply Chains: Rail & Cross-Sectoral Solidarity" that modeled possible solidarity actions during a hypothetical strike at an Amazon warehouse. Warehouse worker organizers from SI Cobas in Italy, Angry Workers of the World in the U.K., and Workers Initiative from Poland participated, along with Chicago warehouse workers, Seattle Amazon tech workers, longshore workers from the Pacific Northwest, and a room full of rank-and-file railroaders.

Living The Dream in the time of #metoo Part 2

Why isn't consent a solution to gendered and sexual violence? What can we make of the legacy of 70s feminism? How does feminism force us to rethink power and politics? All this and more in Part 2 of our 2-part Living The Dream #metoo special from The Word From Struggle Street .

Palestinian Workers Continue to Die for a Capitalist State

They no longer hit the headlines but the Palestinian “Great Return Marches” along the Gaza border with Israel continue. Since March 22 the world has been witnessing yet more horrific scenes in the long conflict between the Israeli state and the dispossessed Palestinians on whose land that state was built. By June 2 the continual shooting of Palestinian demonstrators in Gaza by an Israeli Defence Force (IDF), safely bunkered inside its own border, had produced 124 dead and at least 13,000 wounded. In all that time only one Israeli soldier has been injured.

On the Future International

The following article was originally published as draft for discussion by the CWO in Revolutionary Perspectives 11. After further discussions and revisions the version published here has now been adopted by the Internationalist Communist Tendency (ICT) as a whole. As originally stated it is intended to be part of a longer document or pamphlet of the ICT.

Protectionism and “globalisation” have the same mother: the crisis of capital

Has “globalisation”, the freedom for capital and goods to move from one end of the planet to the other, with no barriers to limit trade and its miraculous effects, come to an end? Looking at what has happened recently, it seems that an ideology, and, even more so, one of capital’s ways of being has reached the end. It seems like the bourgeoisie, or at least a part of it, has taken a suit from its wardrobe which it has not worn for a long time, one which was needed for a tougher climate and the storms that come with it.

The Mutu network: the revival of French radical media

The Mutu Network have developed a successful new model for French radical media, with 15 websites across the country embedded in their communities, reporting on local struggles and fighting back against the monopolisation of activist news by social media corporations.

Human Nature and Communism

Not only is “human nature” not unchangeable, it is also not the default nature of human beings to be greedy and selfish. We can now see that fundamental to human nature, more fundamental than the debaucheries thrown up by capitalism in its imperialist phase, is in fact, the tendency towards communism.

Sánchez Becomes Prime Minister of Spain

The rulers of all the major capitalist states have no solution to a world economic crisis which in various forms has now dragged on for decades. In the last few years chronic insoluble economic crisis has increasingly translated into political crisis. This has produced not just changes in government but questions about the institutions of these supposedly democratic regimes.

Living The Dream in the time of #metoo Part 1

#metoo has brought issues of sexual violence and gender to the forefront of public debate. But what's it all about? What's the relationship of #metoo to older feminist ideas and struggles over gendered violence and how has feminism engaged with questions of violence, crime and the state? Part 1 of a 2 part special from Living the Dream at The Word From Struggle Street

