
Server statistics

The OpenEdition platforms provide server statistics measures via the AWstats analysis tool. You can consult these statistics at the following address:

Using this open access tool, all users – editorial teams, authors and partners – can keep track of the number of visits to a site and better identify users’ interests and practices. Statistics have been archived since 2006, so it is also possible to view changes to site traffic, reading modes, the types and origins of readers, etc., via different indicators.

Counter statistics

Counter statistics measure resource consultation on OpenEdition. OpenEdition supplies personalised Counter statistics for each institution subscribing to OpenEdition Freemium. OpenEdition’s Counter statistics conform to version 4 of the “Counter Code of Practice for Journals and Databases”. They are updated daily.

If your institution has subscribed to OpenEdition Freemium, you have received a login and password to access your statistics. Statistics are also available for your campus or library if you have subscribed to the OpenEdition Freemium free trial period. For further infromation, please contact