
We demand freedom for all U.S.-held political prisoners and prisoners of war.

New York City
Beigetreten Mai 2008


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  1. Angehefteter Tweet
    8. Feb. 2016
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    If anyone out there has a little extra cash burning a hole in your pocket, can always use pretty paper.

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  2. hat retweetet
    vor 5 Stunden
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    Because liberals see an absolute correlation between legality and morality, so therefore the cops always get the benefit of the doubt.

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  3. hat retweetet
    vor 13 Stunden

    Why do liberals get outraged by the behavior exhibited by that racist militia in New Mexico when they would have completely ignored that same behavior if those racists wore badges? Why is this violence okay when it becomes systemic?

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  4. hat retweetet
    vor 11 Stunden

    Last night, for the 3rd night in a row, the people of New Haven took to the streets to demand justice for Stephanie Washington and all who are targeted by police terror. Our enemies have NOTHING on the limitless power of the people. Come out tonight 5pm Hamden plaza

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  5. vor 8 Stunden

    NYC – Sunday, April 28 – Lenny Foster: Native American issues and Leonard Peltier, co-sponsored by at

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  6. vor 8 Stunden

    BK/NY - Friday, April 26th - Dance Party Fundraiser for at . Organized by , featuring

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  7. vor 9 Stunden

    BK/NY - Friday, April 26th - at - 1288 Myrtle Avenue, benefiting !

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  8. hat retweetet
    19. Apr.

    “Fuck the police!” Protesters in the Bronx NYC marched earlier tonite in honor of Ferguson freedom fighters & martyrs who have died (many under suspicious circumstances). Despite NYPD repression, they remained defiant.

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  9. hat retweetet
    18. Apr.

    Write Marius a letter - let him know he's not forgotten and help him settle in to his new location. Marie (Marius) Mason #04672-061, FCI Danbury, Route 37, Danbury, CT 06811 - must be in white envelope.

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  10. hat retweetet
    18. Apr.

    On the two-year anniversary of 2017, we published a series of texts analyzing what we can learn from the mobilization against Trump's inauguration & the subsequent defense campaign. Now these texts are available as zines. Please print & circulate!

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  11. hat retweetet
    18. Apr.

    : Three advertising vehicles of the burned down in the night to Thursday in in North Rhine-Westphalia.

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  12. 18. Apr.

    BK/NY - Friday, April 26th - Dance Party Fundraiser for at . Organized by , featuring

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  13. 18. Apr.

    BK/NY - Friday, April 26th - at - 1288 Myrtle Avenue, benefiting !

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  14. hat retweetet
    18. Apr.

    A Georgia deputy gets to keep his job after being outed as a white supremacist (with Nazi salute and all). The Sheriff said he "can’t fault someone for listening to another viewpoint". Wtf!! week images May 12-18th

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  15. hat retweetet
    18. Apr.

    The latest text in our library is here! We are happy to have former Black Panther Party member, and political prisoner, Albert Woodfox's new book "Solitary." The legacy of this state repression and his courage must be remembered, studied and above all, honored.

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  16. hat retweetet
    17. Apr.
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  17. 17. Apr.

    Check out this thread and new documents uncovered by the , aka

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  18. 17. Apr.

    TONIGHT - Wednesday, April 17th - "Anarchisms Otherwise,” a panel discussion hosted by and at the Verso space in Brooklyn.

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  19. 17. Apr.

    BK/NY - Friday, April 26th - Dance Party Fundraiser for at . Organized by , featuring

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  20. 17. Apr.

    BK/NY - Friday, April 26th - at - 1288 Myrtle Avenue, benefiting !

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  21. hat retweetet
    17. Apr.

    New charges against the valve turners. Shout it loud and let them and the world know that you will

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