Jailhouse Lawyers Speak #PrisonRebellion


The Official Twitter Account for Jailhouse Lawyers Speak. This account does not provide legal advice. We are an incarcerated group of prisoner rights advocates

Hell On Earth
Beigetreten November 2016


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  1. Angehefteter Tweet
    6. Mai
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  2. It has always been about Human Rights, not some people rights

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  3. Another strong angle to attacking and dismantling the prison industrial slave complex (PISC) is the call out for companies and schools to divest from prisons

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  4. 6. Mai

    If you want to get directly involved in the movement in Massachusetts then come to tonight's meeting of MASS POWER, a statewide effort to return voting rights to prisoners in the Commonwealth! 6pm in Roxbury!

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  5. 6. Mai

    We're giving $80 billion to prisons a year and no one is asking them to evaluate their results. Some folks give $10,000 to groups and want an academic study to evaluate *outcomes* and that's BOGUS AF. It costs 10 times that much just to evaluate shit in the first place.

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  6. 6. Mai

    Since this will be ongoing throughout the month of May, ... propose that people tweet and/or email Governor Cuomo every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, and call and write the Governor every Tuesday and Thursday. Commute Jalil Muntaqim sentence

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  7. 6. Mai

    Ramadan Mubarak!

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  8. 5. Mai

    6 NYC correction officers are due in court tomorrow with charges of unlawful strip & cavity searches of visitors at the Tombs; unlawful imprisonment, misconduct, falsifying records, conspiracy, etc. ⁦⁦

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  9. 5. Mai

    With calls for "context" on Joe Biden's 1994 crime bill, today’s centrist liberals wish to exclude the voices of those impacted by these policies just like they did in the 1990s. Maybe the times are not so "different" after all. New from me and :

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  10. 5. Mai

    Our comrade, Russell Maroon Shoatz has taken ill and has been hospitalized due to gastro issues. Please send him a letter of support. He survives 30+ years of solitary confinement and still managed to support and love so many people.

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  11. 4. Mai

    Yesterday, oral arguments were heard in the retrial of Imam Jamil Al-Amin (fka H Rap Brown) Info on his case: Brilliant interview from the late 60s with H. Rap Brown, breaking down politics & revolution in the USA:

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  12. 5. Mai

    Alabama prison guards are currently shackling and taping up prisoners to a bucket for days on end, forcing them to sleep in/near their own waste and eat like a dog (without hands). My latest for

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  13. 6. Mai

    shout out to our comrades from for walking across the graduation stage waving this

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  14. 4. Mai

    BROTHERS EXONERATED: Brothers Kenneth "JR" McPhearson and Eric Simmons are released from prison after wrongfully spending decades behind bars for the 1994 murder of Anthony Wooden

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  15. 4. Mai

    Picture of shit flooding the pipes since friday. Forced to live in a cell with backed up sewage. We ask for the workers to fix it and we are told we will have to wait until monday for additional security to be on…

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  16. 3. Mai

    The establishment wins everytime it can fool us all into believing white supremacy culture is no more

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  17. 3. Mai
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  18. 3. Mai
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