
The untold history of armistice and the end of World War I

‘The best antidote to ideology is detail,’ writes Paul Mason. And the detail that’s missing this Armistice Day is that working people, when they take power into their own hands, can end whatever catastrophe is imposed on them.

Ferreira de Castro’s 'Emigrantes': An anarchist Portuguese novel responds to the myth of the ‘Brasileiro’

An article on Portugese anarchism and Ferreira de Castro’s nove Emigrantes.

The 1912 Leeds Anarchist Conference

Carrying on a regional tradition common in the 1890s and early 1900s(for example in Scotland), anarchists met for what was the first known UK wide conference in 1912.

We here reproduce a text by Joseph Buckman who appears to be a historian of working class struggles and immigration especially of the jews.

Spanish anti-fascist ‘prisoners of war’ in Lancashire, 1944–46

Spanish anti-fascist prisoners in Chorley

Fascinating and detailed paper by Richard Cleminson examining the appalling treatment of Spanish anti-fascist resistance fighters during World War II being detained in internment camps in Britain alongside Nazi and fascist prisoners.

Who was Harry Cowley?

PDF pamphlet about the life and times of Harry Cowley, a chimney sweep, antifascist and working class hero from Brighton, England.

Walter Rodney's "How Europe Underdeveloped Africa"

Notes on a classic work of dependency theory.

Gabriel Kolko's "The Triumph of Conservatism: A Reinterpretation of American History 1900–1916"

(See wrightswriting.com for more commentaries on left-wing scholarship.)

The rise of the right in the United States

Soziale Befreiung - Writings on the Russian Revolution (1917-1921)

Soziale Befreiung
Für die revolutionäre Selbstaufhebung des Proletariats!
For the revolutionary self-abolition of the proletariat!

Schriften zur russischen Revolution (1917-1921)
Writings on the Russian Revolution (1917-1921)

Timeline of U.S. labor history