How to get your Twitter profile ready for the holidays

Marissa Window

By Marissa Window

November 01, 2016

More people are searching, Tweeting, and engaging with businesses during the holiday season than any other time of year. Your Twitter profile shows the world who you are, and first impressions count.

Follow our five-step checklist to get your profile ready for the holiday rush.

Need a little inspiration? Take a look at these standout profile examples from other small businesses. 

Add a seasonal header photo

Give your header photo some holiday flare and spotlight your seasonal promotions, events, or top products. For example, Austin based boot company @helmboots uses their header photo to feature their top seasonal products. 

Include a business location and store hours in your bio

If your business has a brick and mortar shop, be sure to include your location and store hours so customers know when to stop by. Cupcake shop @DvasCakes does a great job at featuring importation and detailed info to make it easier for customers to find them.

Select a pinned Tweet

Keep an important Tweet at the top of your timeline by pinning it. This will ensure visitors to your profile don’t miss your latest seasonal news, products, offerings, or events. Shoe company @Bucketfeet pinned a Tweet featuring positive press coverage on their latest product.

Ready to get your profile in top shape for the holiday season? Download our checklist and Tweet us questions @TwitterBusiness.

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