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  1. 6 abr.

    After sending kids to school and college, Office chale hum ☺️💕

  2. hace 9 horas

    So this morning, my girls reminded me why I decided on part-time clinical and the flexibility of a few research years.

  3. 2 abr.

    Gotta cry it out in the car when you alone then get home and act like nothing ever happen

  4. hace 10 horas

    Wanna know what’s irritating? Little 2 yo toes stabbing into your thighs.. no pain like it I swear! 🥴

  5. I’m not quite sure exactly what goes on in my house most of the time.

  6. hace 22 horas

    Instead of cartoons we watch conference during breakfast.

  7. 6 abr.

    Things I told my two-year old today: 1. No, popsicles are not vegetables. 2. Tampons, though they come in wrappers, are not food.

  8. hace 23 horas

    I think I’m gonna… (baaaaaarf)

  9. hace 23 horas
  10. hace 10 horas

    Showed my kids the cartoon. The end credits come up and my daughter looks at me and says dead serious: Doesn’t he know there’s a window right there?

  11. hace 10 horas

    Leaving the baby with dad for the first time. How many phone calls should I expect?

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  12. hace 10 horas

    I told my daughter I need to bring my car to the mechanic. She said, "Mom, you always SAY you need to do things and then it takes you forever to DO them." Zero time, 100 to-dos... welcome to working .

  13. 5 abr.

    TFW You’re sick and you realize that, for the first time in years, you are not pregnant or breastfeeding and you can take all the medicines!! 🥳

  14. 5 abr.
  15. hace 10 horas

    Sitting on the bathroom floor with a puking kiddo…and somehow managing not to lose it myself.

  16. hace 22 horas

    Thinking about becoming a parent? Are you able to exist on reheated coffee, muffin bottoms (only bottoms!) and squishy berries that have been picked over? 🙄 And yes, thats what I'm having for breakfast this morning.

  17. 6 abr.
  18. hace 19 horas

    The fact that I’m excited about a new grocery store right up the street from my house.

  19. hace 10 horas

    I hear OutKast and before that it was Ludacris safe to say my son found my playlist

  20. hace 21 horas

    Before school sometimes you just need some smoothies & pull apart donuts to start the day! 🤪 @ Unity Christian Academy

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