The Twitter Audience Platform

The Twitter Audience Platform is a way to drive greater scale for your campaigns by extending your campaign to reach your audience to the thousands of apps they use everyday.

How does it work?

Within the campaign form, you can choose to extend your campaign by running on the Twitter Audience Platform. When the "Expand your reach on the Twitter Audience Platform" box is checked for the Website clicks and conversions, App installs, or App re-engagements campaign types, your advertisement will display not only on user timelines on Twitter, but also on the network of thousands of mobile apps on the Twitter Audience Platform.

Please be sure to uncheck "Expand your reach on the Twitter Audience Platform" if you prefer not to extend your advertisements to the Twitter Audience Platform.

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  • Will my configured targeting still work on the Twitter Audience Platform?
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    Yes, nearly all targeting that can be used on user timelines, search and user profile display placements can also be used in the Twitter Audience Platform.  The only unsupported targeting features are TV, event & behavior targeting.

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  • Will Twitter's standard reporting and tracking capabilities be offered through the Twitter Audience Platform as well?
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    Yes, Twitter’s tracking and measurement capabilities will be available through the Twitter Audience Platform as well. This includes cross-device attribution, flexible post-view and post-click attribution settings, as well as the ability to see reporting within the campaign dashboard. 

    You can see results for Twitter, the Twitter Audience Platform or both combined.

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  • Is the domain name of the website card required? Why?
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    Yes, the domain name of the website card is required in order to register the creatives with all participating exchanges.


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