Marxism Today


Basic Study Course

The Basic Course is mandatory for all members. The first objective of the basic course is to improve the level of understanding of Marxist-Leninist theory by all Party members across the whole organisation. 
The second, and most important objective, is to relate the application of Marxist-Leninist theory to the practical tasks of the Australian revolution.
It uses some of the shorter texts which are available in booklet form, or can be easily downloaded from the internet. (See
Bloc 1: Overview of Marxist theory
Socialism – Utopian and Scientific (Engels 1880)
Wage-Labour and Capital (Marx 1847)
Karl Marx (Lenin 1914)
The State (Lenin 1919)
Bloc 2: Learning and investigation
On Practice (Mao 1937)
Reform our Study (Mao 1941)
Bloc 3: Methods of work
Independence and initiative in the United Front (Mao 1938)
Some questions concerning methods of leadership (Mao 1943)
Quotations from Mao Zedong on the Mass Line (Red Book)
Bloc 4: Charcter of the Australian Revolution
Party Program (as amended by the 14th Congress)
Australia’s Revolution (Ted Hill 1973) and The Labor Party? (Ted Hill 1974)
Party Statements, CC resolutions, Australian Communist articles, Marxism Today articles as recommended by the CC


Basic Study Course
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Basic Study Course
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Marxism Today Articles

Basic Study Course

Marxist Theory Today: Notes on 21st Century Imperialism

Marxist Theory Today: Three Basic Questions

Marxist Theory Today: Feuerbach, The German Ideology and historical materialism

Organisation is the central aspect of the revolutionary question of arming the masses

The victory of the October Revolution was a victory over revisionism

Honour and learn from the Great Russian October Socialist Revolution!

The triumphs and the tragedies of the Great October Socialist Revolution

Leninist Theory Building as Ideological-Political Foundation of the October Revolution

Peoples' livelihoods are being crushed by capitalism's economic crisis

Reject the illusion of the “independent umpire”

Our ultimate goal requires a working class state

The basic needs of the working class can only be guaranteed by socialism



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