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Behavior targeting

Through behavior targeting you can reach high-intent audiences on Twitter based on key user behaviors. Behavior audiences are supplied by Twitter partners and are based on actual online and offline behaviors and characteristics. 

Note: behavior targeting is only available if you're targeting the United States or the United Kingdom. 

How it works

Behaviors are available to target in your campaign setup if you are targeting either the United States or the United Kingdom. 

To add behavior targeting to your campaign:

  1. Go to the Targeting section of your campaign setup
  2. Under the Audience features section, click All and select Behaviors
  3. Type in a search term for the behavior you'd like to add or exclude from your campaign. For example, "buyer"
  4. From there, you can Add or Exclude your behavior audience
  • Add: If a user has been categorized as fitting this behavior, they are eligible to be targeted by this campaign if they fit your geo, language, device, and gender targeting
  • Exclude: If a user has been categorized as fitting this behavior, they are not eligible to be targeted by this campaign, even if they fit your geo, language, device, and gender targeting

Behavior audiences are supplied by Twitter partners and are based on actual online and offline behaviors and characteristics for US or UK audiences only.

Get the #details

When you hover over a behavior in your campaign setup, you'll see a box with the following information:

  1. Name of behavior audience
  2. Description of users in the audience
  3. Twitter partner who provided the audience
  4. Estimated audience size

Each behavior audience will specify if it is for the United States or the United Kingdom by a two letter symbol. 

  • US: United States. These audiences can only be used with other US behavior audiences, and your geo-location targeting must say United States.
  • GB: United Kingdom (Great Britain). These audiences can only be used with other GB behavior audiences, and your geo-location targeting must say the United Kingdom. 

Behavior targeting FAQs

  • I'm getting an error when I try and add behavior targeting
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    Behavior targeting is only available if you are targeting the United States or the United Kingdom. 

    See additional reasons why you might get an error when attempting to launch a campaign with behavior targeting:

    1. No geo-location selected. If you have a behavior selected in your campaign setup, you must have the corresponding geo-location also selected in your campaign form (United States or United Kingdom)
    2. Too many geo-locations selected. In order to use behavior targeting, you may only target all US behaviors or all UK behaviors. Ensure you only have behaviors with US next to them, or all UK, and then confirm the matching geo-location is targeted in your campaign setup. 
    3. Incorrect geo-location selected. Our behaviors are only eligible to target United States or the United Kingdom. If you have any other geo-location selected in your campaign setup while also have a behavior selected, you will receive an error. To fix, remove all non-United States or non-United Kingdom locations from your campaign setup. 

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  • Why can't I use behavior targeting?
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    Anyone can use behavior targeting in their audiences, so long as they follow the guidelines listed in the "I'm getting an error when I try and add behavior targeting section" of the FAQ. 

    If you are looking to target a geo-location that is not the United States or the United Kingdom, you will not be able to use behavior targeting in your campaign. We recommend using interest and/or keyword targeting instead. 

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  • I want to know about privacy for behavior targeting
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    In addition to helping advertisers to reach their audiences on Twitter, Twitter also works with third-party advertising partners, including Google, to market Twitter’s own services, including through the delivery of interest-based ads. These partners may also serve ads on behalf of Twitter advertisers. The privacy options described below apply to interest-based ads served by Twitter; they do not apply to ads served by these other companies, including on Twitter’s behalf. You can learn more about opting out of receiving interest-based ads from other companies at and If you are on the web, you can also opt out of Google Analytics by installing Google’s opt-out browser add-on, and opt out of interest-based Google ads using Google’s Ads Settings.

    Learn more about your privacy controls for personalized ads. 

    Learn more about Twitter Ads policies. 

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