Intro to Tailored Audiences

Tailored audiences target your existing users and customers to create highly relevant remarketing campaigns. There are three types of tailored audiences: 

How it works

The Audience manager is a tool in your Twitter Ads account for you to review and manage your audiences, you can access it by going to Tools* < Audience manager.

Once an audience is loaded into Twitter Ads, you can use the Audience manager to view details about the audience, edit, or delete audiences. 

From there you can use your Tailored Audiences in your campaign targeting to directly reach the users you care about. You can retarget previous customer lists, web visitors who haven't yet converted, and mobile app users who haven't opened your app in a week.

*Not seeing the Tools tab in your ads account?  This is because you haven't yet added a credit card, find out how to add one here

Create your Tailored Audience

Once in the Audience manager, choose which kind of TA you'd like to create: List, Web, or Mobile app. 

From there you'll be brought to the Audience creation page. You can name your Tailored Audience and provide the necessary information to create. Visit our List, Web, and Mobile app Help Center pages for more information on requirements for each TA type. 

If you created a List Tailored Audience, our systems will then match the users to their Twitter @handles, during which your Audience will show as "Processing" in Audience manager. Processing takes 48 hours on average, after which your TA will show as "too small" or "Ready".

If you created a Web or Mobile app Tailored Audience, our systems will immediately start adding qualifying Twitter users to your Audience. Your audience will show as "too small" in Audience manager until 100 Twitter users have been added.

Manage and use your audiences

You can visit the Audience manager to manage your Tailored Audiences once you've created them. Here you'll see each audience, its type, and its serving status. Only Tailored Audiences that have a serving status of "Ready" can be targeted in campaigns.

Audience showing as too small? Find out more here in our FAQ.

To target the users on you Tailored Audiences within your campaign, navigate to the Targeting section of campaign setup. 

Click "Browse" next to each audience type to find and select the Tailored Audience you want to target. 

Keep in mind that even though all Tailored Audiences show up, only those in "Ready" serving status will properly target users in your campaign.

You can choose to "Add" or "Exclude" the users on your Tailored Audiences:

  • Add: The users on your Tailored Audience will be served the Tweets in your campaign, if they meet the Geo, Gender, Age, and Device targeting criteria specified in your campaign
  • Exclude: The users on your Tailored Audience will NOT be served the Tweets in your campaign, even if they meet the other criteria in your campaign

To respect user privacy, the minimum size for a Tailored Audience is 100 users on Twitter for it to be usable in your campaigns. If your Tailored Audience does not match 100 Twitter users, it will display as "Audience too small" and will not be available for targeting.

FAQs on Tailored Audiences

  • Which type of Tailored Audience should I use?
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    All three types offer ways to directly target and remarket to the users you care about. 

    Additional Requirements: 

    More on our policies for Tailored Audiences.

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  • My audience is showing as too small
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    To respect user privacy, your Tailored Audience must match at least 100 users on Twitter for it to be usable in your campaigns. TA's that fall short of this requirement will say “audience too small” in the Audience manager, and cannot be used for campaign targeting.

    Tips to increase your matched users: 

    • List TA: Add more user information to your .csv file and/or combine two smaller .csv files. Then, delete the "too small" TA from your Audience manager and reupload the new + larger TA to reinitiate matching process.
    • Web TA: Make sure your Web Pixel is correctly tracking, and your URL parameters for the TA are not too strict. The time it takes for your Web TA to acquire 100 Twitter users depends on your user traffic.

    More help for List, Web, and Mobile Tailored Audiences. 

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  • I want to know about privacy for Tailored Audiences
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    Learn more about our policies for Conversion Tracking and Tailored Audiences here

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  • What is matching?
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    When you create a Tailored Audience there is an initial processing period where the users on the TA are "matched" by our systems to their Twitter @handle. This allows us to then serve your promoted Tweet's to their accounts.

    It's possible that not all of the users on your Tailored Audience are active Twitter users, which is why you might see a final Tailored Audience size that is smaller than your original uploaded list.

    Every Tailored Audience is different, and until your list is processed and "matched", we cannot accurately estimate what the match rate for an individual advertiser's TA. Once the TA is no longer showing as "Processing" in the Audience manager, the number of matched users for the TA will be shown. If there were less than 100 active Twitter users matched, it will show as "Audience too small." Unfortunately "too small" TAs will not be available for targeting in campiagns to respect users privacy.

More questions? Find more FAQs on our List, Web, and Mobile app Tailored Audience pages. 

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