Brands come to Twitter to be what people are talking about right now.

And because people are in a discovery mindset when they’re on Twitter, your brand or business is likely to leave a lasting impression.

Here are some ways you can leverage Twitter:

  • Discover what’s happening right now
    Twitter gives you access to what’s going on in your industry, community, and around the world at that very moment. Use Twitter search to listen to the relevant conversations that are happening and jump in where you can add value.
  • Grow your brand awareness
    Increase your impact by using Twitter to regularly communicate with your followers and attract new followers. Extend your reach even further with Twitter Ads.
  • Provide timely customer service
    People often talk about the products they use on Twitter, so it’s a natural place to provide customer service. In fact, 85% of SMB Twitter users said that it's important that businesses provide customer support on Twitter. Use Twitter's customer service features to quickly and easily respond to people. That will help you develop a good reputation and strong relationships with customers.
  • Connect with potential customers, brand advocates, and influencers
    Twitter allows you to follow and interact with people outside of your personal network and discover new circles that you never knew existed. Use Twitter to join, or even start, discussions with influencers and industry experts to raise your profile and build valuable connections.
*Twitter + Research Now “Twitter for Business Study”, 2016

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