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  1. 33 secondi fa
    In risposta a

    When he (Devil) brings up your , just bring up his 🤗👋

  2. 3 ore fa

    Those people who make a audible sign when it's only you and them in the room hoping you will open up a conversation and ask "what's wrong/up"?...thats also known as a cue for my exit.

  3. 4 ore fa

    When it's your last day in work for 12 days...

  4. 5 ore fa

    and I F I N A L L Y reached S06 of and I can’t wait for her to fall in love with my faves and . 😍😍😍

  5. 7 ore fa

    Dont come at me when I'm already down... there may be some irreversible low blow damage that comes out of my mouth...

  6. 8 ore fa

    When you trying to be a scholar and stay on task but the devil is creeping up :// aka:

  7. 10 ore fa
    In risposta a

    Wow...I wish more people recognized the spiritual warfare going on right in front of their eyes. So thankful for you standing up for what’s right & that you’re going to be ok!

  8. 11 ore fa

    I’m perfectly happy at the lake then y’all couples gotta take pictures and make me think I’m missing out on something 🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️

  9. 11 ore fa

    You can’t have a testimony absent of tests and trials. Your testimony is a process and does not exist if you are not willing to go through the tests.

  10. 11 ore fa

    Learn to patiently suffer for the cause of Christ!! We must maintain a faithful testimony versus a situational testimony!!

  11. 12 ore fa
    In risposta a

    This is why we shouldn’t go outside

  12. 14 ore fa

    I will not take the bait!!!

  13. 14 ore fa

    Sometimes we feel powerless... in those moments you must be powerful. Embrace the storm!

  14. 14 ore fa

    Nothing like a white lady named Harley high off of Ambien and drunk off of champagne to tell you you're useless. 🤷🏻‍♀️

  15. 14 ore fa
  16. 18 ore fa

    Every time I see one of those “I used to hate my body until I did this! LiNk iN mY bIo” tweets I report them

  17. 21 ore fa

    It's so easy to believe the lie that in the midst of the mundane, just because your body is tired then your spirit is too.

  18. 24 ore fa

    Father God today I pray you usher out anything or anyone that is not of you that's coming my way like they ushered Mr Vegas. Cut thier Mic amen.

  19. 29 mag

    When the roughies say “you should hang out with us after the perf” and the perf is almost over.

  20. 29 mag

    While your broke MCM was doing alcohol at Shasta all weekend long, me, a genuine wholesome guy, was drinking water. Do better sis

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