July 20, 2018
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on USA : Call for International Solidarity with Prison Strike 2018

USA : Call for International Solidarity with Prison Strike 2018

On August 21st, people locked up in prisons throughout the United States are set to go on strike, calling attention not only to heinous abuses and inhumane conditions, but also to the ongoing enslavement of millions of people inside American prisons. After the Civil War, slavery remained institutionalized in American society through the constitution’s 13th amendment, which allows slavery to remain as punishment for a crime. In America, black people’s criminalization is enforced by police who frequently shoot black people with impunity and by judges who sentence black people to draconian sentences, ensuring their enslavement in modern-day plantations.
Facing a situation meant to stifle any glimmer of joy and humanity, people in prisons across the United States are calling attention to the “lack of respect for human life that is embedded in our nation’s penal ideology” by courageously going on strike from August 21st to September 9th.
The dates, chosen by prison organizers, signify the strike’s continuation with the legacies of Nat Turner, who began his rebellion on August 21, 1831, and the Attica Uprising, which began September 9, 1971. Nat Turner, who was born into slavery, took part in a major insurrection, freeing slaves from plantations and executing slave owners. The Attica Uprising, an important milestone for prison resistance in the United States, took place following the shooting of black revolutionary George Jackson by a prison guard during an escape attempt. Like Nat Turner and the Attica rebels before them, prison strikers today are fighting for black liberation and the abolition of slavery.
Revolutionaries around the world should be aware of the struggle against slavery in America’s prisons. The Trump presidency is one of the most barbaric regimes in the world today, continuing a long legacy of racism, exploitation and genocide engrained in the American state. People in prisons rising up to regain their humanity are providing some of the most inspiring resistance of the Trump era to the horrifying, dehumanizing policies of America’s judicial system.
We call on comrades around the world to join in solidarity actions with the prison strike in the United States. The American state and corporations that benefit from prison slave labor must be held accountable for their atrocities by revolutionaries through direct action in locations around the world. Actions targeting American consulates and companies benefiting from slave labor, and destroying symbols of American prison slavery will draw the world’s attention to the struggle taking place within the prisons.
Militant actions in support of the prison strike will send a powerful message of defiance to the American state and solidarity to rebels inside prison walls.
Burn the prisons!
Support the prison strike!
Long live international solidarity!

July 20, 2018
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on 23-30 August 2018, 6th Annual Week of solidarity with anarchist prisoners

23-30 August 2018, 6th Annual Week of solidarity with anarchist prisoners

We are coming back with global week of solidarity with anarchist prisoners. Since last year, a lot has changed in our countries, but the general tendency is going in the worse direction with more repressions applied against anarchists not only in Europe but worldwide. With this in mind, we are calling for sixth annual week of solidarity!
Last year lots of people sent us their reports from different parts of the world and we hope that this year the tradition will grow even bigger. We need to support our comrades! Use this week to spread the information about anarchists behind bars. Don’t have prisoners in your country? No worry, support prisoners from other countries in your region or use those days to raise awareness of repression mechanisms and how anarchist communities can fight against them!
Build up security culture, support your local anarchist prisoners and fight back.
Do not hesitate to continue sending your reports to tillallarefree@riseup.net!
Nobody is free till all are free!

July 20, 2018
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on Italy – Operation Panico: the hearing of 12th July has been postponed

Italy – Operation Panico: the hearing of 12th July has been postponed

What should have been the first hearing of the trial for Operation Panico took place on 12th July.
In the court were Ghespe and Giova, a considerable number of comrades and some of the people on trial. The little said didn’t seem very comprehensible to us, after all theirs is a language that doesn’t belong to us, but it could be roughly summarized as follows:
Three of the defendants had not been given notification; the reunification of the trial had been accepted, but a week’s time wasn’t sufficient to sort out the relative bureaucracy; among the judges of the commission was a honorary judge, who according to a recent law is not competent in cases of such gravity and so a new commission of judges was appointed. For these reasons, which the prosecutors didn’t appreciate much as they were hoping for a quick start of the trial, the hearing was postponed to 9th October.
The only new thing is that the ministry of the interior has joined the fair of those bringing a civil action; so those bringing a civil action in the trial are now: CasaPound, il Bargello (bookshop)), Mario Vece (bomb disposal expert), Siulp (police union) and the ministry.
Ghespe and Giova, who were kept apart in the cage, as they are still prohibited from meeting each other, were well and happy to see so many friendly faces, even if they saw them from behind bars… Updates on upcoming initiatives to follow soon.

Translated by act for freedom now!

July 20, 2018
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on Florence, Italy : Paska’s communique ahead of the trial

Florence, Italy : Paska’s communique ahead of the trial

The first hearing of the trial against Ghespe took place today, 4th July. It was very short because the judges accepted a request for the reunification of the trial, so they simply postponed the hearing to 12th July, the day when the first hearing for all the others had been fixed. The escort jailers did everything to prevent any communication between us, standing in front of Ghespe to prevent him from seeing the many comrades in the courtroom. However he could hear the greetings, warmth and cries for freedom dedicated to him.
We reiterate the call to be present in court on 12th July to greet Giova, and at this point Ghespe is very likely to be there too.
Thanks to all those who came from practically everywhere, north, south and abroad; your strength and support are of incalculable value.
Here is Paska’s declaration, which has just arrived from the prison of Castrogno (Teramo) where the comrade is being held:
Hi everybody,
Finally I have also decided to write a few lines on the current show of repression against us anarchists, which is keeping me and another two comrades in jail.
It’s been about 11 months now that we’ve been stuck in their trap: Ghespe eleven months all spent in prison, me seven months in prison and 4 with compulsory residence and night curfew, Giova 2 and a half months in prison and eight between restrictions, curfew and signing at the police station.
But their “notorious” Operation Panico, initiated in January 2016 and started to strike on 31th January 2017, also gave other comrades “a present” of days in prison, house arrest, compulsory residence, signing at the police station, prohibition to reside in Florence and another absurd prohibition of residence in Galluzzo, a Florence neighbourhood where the Riottosa squat was located, and later evicted along with the other anarchist squat in the city, Villa Panico.

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July 20, 2018
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on Mexico : In permanent struggle against the State and its control: down with the law on internal security!

Mexico : In permanent struggle against the State and its control: down with the law on internal security!

Technology always aims at control
Against the State itself
The approval of the Law on internal security (LSI) in Mexico is a symptom of the need for global capitalism to renew its power sources and to expand its economic progress, to the advantage of class society and its anthropocentric vision of the world. In regard to the repression of expressions that oppose or don’t support global domination, which goes along with expropriation and seizing of lands, winds and waters and the exploitation of ‘energy resources’ and human and animal bodies, the State is working on changes in important laws in order to attain its goals. Even if LSI is a dormant expression on a juridical level of industrial technological progress through totalitarianism and militarization of the country and of its established activity against forms of resistance, as the army is actually deployed in social or other missions in almost all instances of political and economic tension in Mexico, historical examples where this practice emerges abound:
— 1968, the historical massacre of Tlatelolco, where thousands of students were killed
— Hunt for guerrilla fighters and communists in the 1960s, when practices of torture were consolidated
— Militarization and armed conflict in Chiapas in the 1990s against the indigenous and Zapatist insurrection
— We must remember a not well known case which came to light following the earthquake that destroyed Mexico City in 1985, when rescue operations undertaken among the debris of the Federal District Power of Attorney brought to light several secret prisons where personae non grate were tortured and killed [1]
— The massacre of Acteal in 1997, when the military shot the Tzotziles indigenous population and opened up pregnant women’s wombs to fill them with stones

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July 17, 2018
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on UK, london: A Qucik Visit to the Home Office

UK, london: A Qucik Visit to the Home Office

Last night 13/7/18 after the Trump demo, a group turned up to protest at the operational base of the Home Office on Melior St, near Ldn Bridge. To their total surprise they found that an unknown person/group appeared to have smashed the windscreen of one of the snatch vans earlier on.
Clearly anger against immigration enforcement is even more widespread than we’d imagined. The demo expressed solidarity with migrants resisting the raids in #Chinatown this week, & anger + sorrow at the killing of a 23 yr-old Sudanese migrant in Newport .

July 17, 2018
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on UK : SLAP – Squatters Of London Action Paper – Issue #8 & #9

UK : SLAP – Squatters Of London Action Paper – Issue #8 & #9

SLAP Issue 8
SLAP – (Squatters of London Action Paper) is a DIY newspaper for squatters in London. It is available in print at your nerest local squat and online as a PDF. The paper combines news, pictures, analysis, events and humour and aims to strengthen connections between squatters in London in order to encourage direct actions and other forms of anarchist organising within the squat scene.


July 17, 2018
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on Athens, Greece: Against the Touristization of Exarcheia

Athens, Greece: Against the Touristization of Exarcheia

Exarcheia, Summer 2018. The touristization of the neighborhood is a reality. While thousands of locals and immigrants live in miserable conditions on the street, the empty houses of the area are filled with tourists via airbnb. The Exarcheia neighborhood, its political structures, its people and even the conflicts with the police that invade it are becoming a spectacle. Everything is being turned into an alternative fantasy that will transform Exarcheia into a kind of urban zoo, offering bargain hunting tourists adventure, pleasure, inexpensive entertainment and narcotics. Through its depoliticization, Exarcheia will become an alternative paradise for tourists that will naturally serve to stimulate the Greek economy in order for the redevelopment steamroller to flatten anything that resembles insurrection, anarchy and freedom.
Starting a campaign of actions and interventions against touristization and the ‘regeneration’ of the neighborhood, we placed 2 banners in Patission and Tzavella.
Anarchists Against the Gentrification of Exarcheia
via: mpalothia.

July 17, 2018
by actforfreedom


anonymous report, from Unoffensive Animal:
“18 chickens liberated from a backyard breeder.
Very poor barren living conditions without acess to food, water or any sort of enrichment
They are all now in lovely new homes and will live out the rest of their lives how chickens deserve to with plenty of dust baths, fresh food and space to explore.”

July 17, 2018
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on France ,Yvelines : Arson Attack Against a Telecommunications Relay Tower Cuts Off TV, Internet and Mobile Signals for Several Days

France ,Yvelines : Arson Attack Against a Telecommunications Relay Tower Cuts Off TV, Internet and Mobile Signals for Several Days

11.07.18: Shhhh! Don’t tell anybody that at dawn on Thursday, July 5th, a few hours before the World Cup quarter-finals, we put a TV broadcasting tower out of action between Saint-Rémy and Chevreuse, in Yvelines, the main department of all digital communications.
Don’t tell anybody that the ‘technical problem’ was in fact an arson attack that destroyed its transmission cables, completely cutting off until today not just the television, but also the internet and three mobile phone operators (Free, Sfr and Bouygues) signals for the whole area.
Let’s continue to sabotage the spectacle.
Let’s attack all the technological cages.
via: 325

July 14, 2018
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on Chile : Anarchist comrade Freddy Fuentevilla has been released from prison

Chile : Anarchist comrade Freddy Fuentevilla has been released from prison

Refractario’s note: We learn with joy that comrade Freddy has been released. From here, a strong warm hug, after the death threats of Bernales, the jails in Argentina, the Chilean prisons, the trials and farces up until now, time is filled with experiences in the construction of paths of negation. Today new paths are being opened and old ones taken up again, now back in the streets once more! Without ever forgetting Juan and Marcelo’s struggle on the medical and juridical military fronts, respectively, we remember Freddy’s words during the trial against him:
“Our stories didn’t begin on 18th October 2007, as Juan (Aliste) has explained very well, they are a constant. It’s not easy to disengage from them, especially when a hunt is unleashed that is not really aimed at getting someone to court, but on the contrary at their physical annihilation, the annihilation that metaphorically is presenting itself today surgically even buried under tons of cement and iron, not for one year, but for many years (…)
I think these words.. what I feel now is gratitude. But to whom? Gratitude to my mother, because I have no mother, I’m lucky in that respect. To la mia compagna, my comrades, my family, my friends and above all my children’s unconditional love.
A hug to all, and the necessary strength will be always there. And…
While poverty persists there will be rebellion.”

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July 14, 2018
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on Pola Roupa, Imprisoned Comrade of the Revolutionary Struggle, Sentenced to Life Imprisonment + 25 Years (Greece)

Pola Roupa, Imprisoned Comrade of the Revolutionary Struggle, Sentenced to Life Imprisonment + 25 Years (Greece)

The Court has imposed a life sentence plus 25 years on comrade Pola Roupa, adopting the positions of prosecutor Drako in his speech. The life sentence to which Comrade [Nikos] Maziotis was convicted in 2016 for the same attack is not just about rabid revenge against the two unrepentant and consistent rebels who were not delivered to jail in 2013 at the end of the first trial of the Revolutionary Struggle, but who went into illegality in order to continue the actions of the organization. It proves, according to prosecutor Drako’s speech, the dangerousness of the actions of the Revolutionary Struggle as a means of undermining and collapsing the economy and the State.
Let’s remind that prosecutor Drako in his speech had stated that the attack on the Bank of Greece could cause the collapse of the building and that if the building had collapsed, the financial system and the country’s economy would collapse.
The life sentence to Roupa, as for Maziotis, confirms from the enemy’s side, that is, the State, the correctness of the strategy of the Revolutionary Struggle, which considered that the major blows to key structures of an already weakened system in crisis, could cause its collapse.
Solidarity to the Revolutionary Struggle
via: 325

July 14, 2018
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on Hautes-Corbières, France : Against the wind farm project – 28 March 2018

Hautes-Corbières, France : Against the wind farm project – 28 March 2018

The local press tells us some snippets of the struggle against the wind farm project in the Narbonne region: Wednesday, March 28, 2018 in Davejean, at a meeting organized by EDF, the director of new energies was forced to stay longer than expected in this village because of two flat tyres.
In addition, the measurement tower used to collect wildlife information at Dernacueillette was also damaged, with several cables being cut. Gendarmerie reports were drawn up and a complaint was lodged.


July 14, 2018
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on Italy ,Rome : Arson Attack Aganst Diplomatic Corp and ENI Vehicles

Italy ,Rome : Arson Attack Aganst Diplomatic Corp and ENI Vehicles

When you set out at night with the intention of burning or putting something out of action, interrupting the paralysis inherent in everyday life, you never know exactly what you will find once you are on the street. Which is how it was one night in mid-June when we came across a Diplomatic Corp car and one belonging to ENJOY* parked side by side next to the footpath. If until then, they had been united together in the same shitty existence in service of devastation, power and domination, we could not help but see their willingness to share the same demise together. And so, just like it was with some excavators in France not long ago, we took note of their will by enjoying the sight of the flames that enveloped them.
We hope that despite the high temperatures of recent days that the heat of this fire may bring a smile to all the comrades locked up in prisons, subjected to judicial controls or under surveillance…
To the Argentine comrade Diego Parodi… Strength, hold on!
To those facing investigation for the G20 in Hamburg.
For the prisoners and the accused of Operation Scripta Manent.
For Giova, Ghespe and Paska.
For Anarchy!
*Translation note: ENJOY is a ‘sustainable’ vehicle sharing company run by energy company ENI and public transport operator Trenitalia

July 14, 2018
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on USA : Of Indiscriminate Attacks and Wild Reactions: An Anti-Civ Anarchist Engages with ITS and Atassa, their Defenders and Their false Critics

USA : Of Indiscriminate Attacks and Wild Reactions: An Anti-Civ Anarchist Engages with ITS and Atassa, their Defenders and Their false Critics

The following is the introduction to a short book critiquing so-called “eco-extremism” in Mexico, and those in support of it in the United States. To read two essays on the subject already published on IGD, go here.
Read and Download HERE
Author’s Note to IGD readers: This essay was written a year ago, in haste. It was prompted by the escalation in 2017 of conflict between insurrectionary anarchists and proponents of a new school of purportedly anti-civilization ideology known as “Eco-Extremism,” both in Mexico and the US. This conflict was signaled in part by the appearance of a US journal called Atassa: readings in Eco-Extremism, which presented ideas and writings associated with the armed struggle group known as Individualidades tendiendo a lo Salvaje, abbreviated ITS but most often translated from the Spanish as Individualists Tending toward the Wild (a group with a history stretching back to around 2011).
Some of you will remember the publication around the same time of two brief pieces of news/criticism on It’s Going Down by Scott Campbell (“There’s Nothing Anarchist About Eco-Fascism,” and “Not Our Comrades: ITS Attacks on Anarchists”) which also dealt with this conflict. These pieces appeared in the wake of ITS claims of responsibility for various apparently misogynistic or random murders, physical attacks on anarchists, and a ramping up of reactionary rhetoric on the part of the mysterious and media-savvy group. Fast forward to recent weeks, and a slew of the online Egoist milieu has issued its own analyses and condemnations of ITS, Atassa, and Eco-Extremist ideas in what appears to be an ongoing fallout.

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July 14, 2018
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on Against borders, against prisons. Stop the Laval migrant prison.

Against borders, against prisons. Stop the Laval migrant prison.

Anonymous submission to MTL Counter-info
Launch of a new website for the campaign against the construction of the proposed Laval migrant prison
In 2016 the federal government announced the construction of a new migrant detention center in Laval. This prison, which is anticipated to hold up to 158 undocumented migrants, is intended to be built on Correctional Service of Canada grounds, right beside Leclerc prison, and is slated to open in 2021. While the Liberal government is attempting to spin this project as a more humane way to detain migrants, we call it what it is — a prison, and know that this is simply prettier window dressing on a violent system of imprisonment and deportation, one that keeps people locked in cages while tearing apart families and communities. We want a world without prisons or colonial borders, a world where people, not states, can decide how they can move and where they can stay. Stopping the construction of the Laval Immigration Detention Centre is one step in the struggle to tear down migrant prisons everywhere.
Block new prisons from being built and shut down the old ones!
This site is an information clearinghouse for news, analysis, and materials related to the struggle against the Laval Immigration Detention Centre.

July 14, 2018
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on Indonesia: Solidarity Update on the Anarchist Prisoners in Yogyakarta

Indonesia: Solidarity Update on the Anarchist Prisoners in Yogyakarta

The May 1st protests that took place at the UIN Yogyakarta area, against the New Yogyakarta International Airport (NYIA) and the monarchy-feudalism related to Sultan Ground/Pakualaman Ground. Resulted in 11 comrades being detained at the Yogyakarta Regional Police Station (Polda Yogyakarta) suspected of destruction and arson of State facilities (a Police Station).
The comrades were supposed to be transferred to Cebongan Prison at the end of June, but due to further investigation, on June 29 only 4 comrades were transferred to Cebongan Prison and another 2 comrades were transferred one week later. And 5 comrades are still detained at Yogyakarta Regional Police Station, including Brian Valentino (Ucil). We have received information that the 5 comrades will be transferred to Cebongan Prison at the end of July.
For now the prisoners of war class that are still being held at Yogyakarta Regional Police Station are in good health and full of spirits as usual. As for the condition of the class war prisoners who were transferred to Cebongan Prison, we don’t know any information about them so far, however we will give the any updates as soon as we know the information about them. We hope that our comrades around the world will continue to show solidarity with the Yogyakarta anarchist prisoners (such as writing letters) to keep the fire inside their souls burning and so that they do not feel isolated or alienated behind the prison bars and walls.
More information,
Instagram account : palang__hitam
Website : palanghitam.noblogs.org
Email : civilrebellion@riseup.net

July 14, 2018
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on New Zine: Starting an Anarchist Black Cross – A Guide

New Zine: Starting an Anarchist Black Cross – A Guide

The Anarchist Black Cross is an international network of anarchist groups and individuals engaged in practical solidarity with prisoners and broader anti-repression struggles that started over 100 years ago.
This zine is a resource for anyone wanting to start an Anarchist Black Cross group. It was a collective effort of people from various ABC groups across Europe. We hope you find it inspiring and useful.
Inside you can find articles and resources on:
  • What is the Anarchist Black Cross and why does it exist?
  • How do ABC groups organise
  • What do ABC groups do
  • An overview of international days of solidarity
  • Top tips for fundraising
  • How to keep an ABC group going
  • Taking care of each other while doing ABC work
  • Resources
Download a copy for reading (8mb): ABC Zine Small for Download
Download a high resolution version for printing (30mb): ABC Zine Pages – High Res
This zine is dedicated to Anna Campbell. Anna was killed by Turkish forces while fighting alongside Women’s Protection Units (YPJ) in the defence of Afrin in March 2018. Anna was a dedicated member of Bristol Anarchist Black Cross and took her commitment to solidarity and mutual aid to her grave.

July 10, 2018
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on Italy,Florence: Poster of those present in court

Italy,Florence: Poster of those present in court


Italy, second decade of the twenty-first century. In the midst of a security delirium of cameras, police and army everywhere, racist and fascist hatred is organizing and arming itself. As the disgusting ‘bulldozer man’ [Matteo Salvini] conquers the Ministry of the Interior with the complicity of five-star political apathy, the fascists of Casapound, Forza Nuova and other groups are increasing their presence throughout the country with new premises, bookshops, gatherings and raids against the poorest. While fascist attacks are now countless, the hatred they foment has already opened fire. It happened in Macerata, Firenze, Rosarno, Napoli, Milan.
Florence, second decade of the twenty-first century. As in other cities, the police are strangling any attempts at self-organization and struggle by evicting occupied places and charging demonstrations and info tables along with beatings, charges and arrests. The message is clear: only the rich, the tourists and the armed forces are allowed in the city’s historic centre. Those who don’t bring money or contribute to profit must simply disappear from the city. The same goes for those who protest. We saw it, for example, in February 2016 in Piazza Sant’Ambrogio, when some comrades were taken to the police station and denounced for setting up an info stall. We saw it in April of the same year in Via Aretina, when the mere refusal to hand over IDs unleashed a manhunt by dozens of policemen and carabinieri leading to fights between anarchists and forces of order, leading to three arrests.

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July 10, 2018
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on Genoa, Italy – Two bugs found in a comrade’s home

Genoa, Italy – Two bugs found in a comrade’s home

They never contradict themselves; it is well-known that voyeurs and miserable servants of the State repressive apparatus like to eavesdrop and spy on the private lives of those who rebel and oppose a system based on profit and the exploitation of the individual.
Two bugs were found in a comrade’s home in Genoa, and even if it was a while ago we want to reiterate that certainly it won’t be bugs, threats or intimidations to stop our dreams and lives.
Voyeurs out of our lives.
Translated by act for freedom now!