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Aristotle - Ethics
Aristotle - Politics
Augustine - Confessions
Ayer - Language, Truth and Logic
Bacon - Advancement of Learning
Bentham - Morals and Legislation
Berkeley - Principles of Human Knowledge
Boethius - Consolations of Philosophy
Burke - Revolution in France
Cicero - Friendship and Old Age
Clausewitz - On War
Comte - Positive Philosophy
Confucius - The Analects
Copernicus - The Revolutions
Darwin - The Origin of Species
Descartes - Discourse on Method
Descartes - Meditations
Einstein's Relativity
Emerson - Nature
Epicurus - Sovran Maxims
Erasmus - Praise of Folly
Euclid - Elements
Freud - Psychoanalysis
Galileo - Two World Systems
Hayek - The Road to Serfdom
Hegel - Philosophy of History
Hegel - Philosophy of Religion
Hobbes - Leviathan
Hume - Human Understanding
James - Varieties of Religious Experience
Kant - Critiques of Reason
Kant - Metaphysics of Morals
Kierkegaard - Either Or
Leibniz - Monadology
Locke - Human Understanding
Machiavelli - The Prince
Marcus Aurelius - Meditations
Marx - The Communist Manifesto
Marx and Engels - German Ideology
Mill - On Liberty
Mill - System of Logic
More - Utopia
Newton - Principia
Nietzsche - Beyond Good and Evil
Nietzsche - Genealogy of Morals
Paine - Rights of Man
Pascal - Thoughts
Plato - The Apology
Plato - The Republic
Plato - The Symposium
Popper - Scientific Discovery
Rand - Selfishness
Rousseau - Confessions
Rousseau - Social Contract
Sade - Philosophy in the Boudoir
Sartre - Existentialism is a Humanism
Schopenhauer - World as Will and Idea
Smith - Wealth of Nations
Spinoza - Ethics
The Ancient Greeks
The Aphorisms of the Philosophers
Thoreau - Walden
Tocqueville - America
Turing - Computing Machinery
Wittgenstein - Tractatus
Wollstonecraft - Rights of Woman

Philosophy and Religion

Religion and Philosophy both involve finding ways of understanding the world, so that their spheres often overlap and it isn't easy to make sense of one without some knowledge of the other. The Squashed Philosophers includes neatly summarised versions of the basic texts of the leading religious traditions:

The Bhagavad-Gita - The most important text of Hinduism, highly influential on Buddhism and Sikhism.
The Torah - The foundation of the Hebrew Bible, and the basic text of the Jewish, Christian and Muslim traditions.
The Dhammapada - The sayings of the Buddha
The Gospels of Jesus Christ - The four biographies of Jesus, central to Christianity and influential on Islam.
The Noble Quran - The essential text of Islam.

The religious understandings of East Asia - China, Japan, Korea, Vietnam and the surrounding areas - are not so simply summed-up. Confucianism, though it now carries some of the trappings of a religion, is really a social philosophy. For a nice little Squashed version of the essence of Taoism in the Classic Tao Te Ching, look up Lao-Tzu, and then try Chuang-Tse in The Aphorisms of the Philosophers.

For a view of a philosophy of religion, try; James - Varieties of Religious Experience, or Hume - Human Understanding, or Hegel - Philosophy of Religion

For an ancient view of God and the afterlife, try Plato - The Republic.

For commentaries on Christian principles, Augustine - Confessions and Pascal - Thoughts are considered especially important.

There is also Christian commentary in Locke - Human Understanding, Descartes - Meditations and Hobbes - Leviathan, and important anti-Christian views in Nietzsche - Beyond Good and Evil and Marx - The Communist Manifesto.
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