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Aristotle - Ethics
Aristotle - Politics
Augustine - Confessions
Ayer - Language, Truth and Logic
Bacon - Advancement of Learning
Bentham - Morals and Legislation
Berkeley - Principles of Human Knowledge
Boethius - Consolations of Philosophy
Burke - Revolution in France
Cicero - Friendship and Old Age
Clausewitz - On War
Comte - Positive Philosophy
Confucius - The Analects
Copernicus - The Revolutions
Darwin - The Origin of Species
Descartes - Discourse on Method
Descartes - Meditations
Einstein's Relativity
Emerson - Nature
Epicurus - Sovran Maxims
Erasmus - Praise of Folly
Euclid - Elements
Freud - Psychoanalysis
Galileo - Two World Systems
Hayek - The Road to Serfdom
Hegel - Philosophy of History
Hegel - Philosophy of Religion
Hobbes - Leviathan
Hume - Human Understanding
James - Varieties of Religious Experience
Kant - Critiques of Reason
Kant - Metaphysics of Morals
Kierkegaard - Either Or
Leibniz - Monadology
Locke - Human Understanding
Machiavelli - The Prince
Marcus Aurelius - Meditations
Marx - The Communist Manifesto
Marx and Engels - German Ideology
Mill - On Liberty
Mill - System of Logic
More - Utopia
Newton - Principia
Nietzsche - Beyond Good and Evil
Nietzsche - Genealogy of Morals
Paine - Rights of Man
Pascal - Thoughts
Plato - The Apology
Plato - The Republic
Plato - The Symposium
Popper - Scientific Discovery
Rand - Selfishness
Rousseau - Confessions
Rousseau - Social Contract
Sade - Philosophy in the Boudoir
Sartre - Existentialism is a Humanism
Schopenhauer - World as Will and Idea
Smith - Wealth of Nations
Spinoza - Ethics
The Ancient Greeks
The Aphorisms of the Philosophers
Thoreau - Walden
Tocqueville - America
Turing - Computing Machinery
Wittgenstein - Tractatus
Wollstonecraft - Rights of Woman

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Complete Text - Aristotle on the Motion of Animals ● - Complete Text - Aristotle on The Parts of Animals ● - Complete Text - Aristotle on The Soul ● - Complete Text - Aristotle's Categories ● - Complete Text - Aristotle's Ethics ● - Complete Text - Aristotle's History of Animals ● - Complete Text - Aristotle's Metaphysics ● - Complete Text - Aristotle's Parva Naturalia ● - Complete Text - Aristotle's Physics ● - Complete Text - Aristotle's Poetics ● - Complete Text - Aristotle's Politics ● - Complete Text - Aristotle's Posterior Analytics ● - Complete Text - Aristotle's Prior Analytics ● - Complete Text - Aristotle's Rhetoric ● - Complete Text - Aristotle's Topics ● - Complete Text - Augustine - Confessions ● - Complete Text - Bacon - Advancement of Learning ● - Complete Text - Bentham - Morals and Legislation ● - Complete Text - Berkeley - Hylas and Philonous ● - Complete Text - Berkeley - Principles of Human Knowledge ● - Complete Text - Boethius - Consolations of Philosophy ● - Complete Text - Burke - Revolution in France ● - Complete Text - Burke - The Sublime and the Beautiful ● - Complete Text - Cicero - Friendship and Old Age ● - Complete Text - Clausewitz On War ● - Complete Text - Comte - Positive Philosophy ● - Complete Text - Confucius ● - Complete Text - Darwin - Origin of Species ● - Complete Text - Descartes - Meditations on First Philosophy ● - Complete Text - Descartes, Discourse on Method, 1637 ● - Complete Text - Emerson - Nature ● - Complete Text - Erasmus - In Praise of Folly ● - Complete Text - Galileo - The Two Chief World Systems ● - Complete Text - Hegel - Philosophy of History ● - Complete Text - Hegel - Philosophy of Mind ● - Complete Text - Hegel - Philosophy of Religion ● - Complete Text - Hobbes - Leviathan ● - Complete Text - Hume - Concerning Human Understanding ● - Complete Text - Hume - Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion ● - Complete Text - Hume - Essays ● - Complete Text - Hume - The Principles of Morals ● - Complete Text - Kant - Metaphysics of Morals ● - Complete Text - Kant - Practical Reason ● - Complete Text - Kant - Prolegomena to Any Future Metaphysics ● - Complete Text - Kant - Pure Reason ● - Complete Text - Kierkegaard - Either Or ● - Complete Text - Kierkegaard - Fear and Trembling ● - Complete Text - Leibniz - Monadology ● - Complete Text - Leibniz - Theodicy ● - Complete Text - Locke - Human Understanding 1 ● - Complete Text - Locke - Human Understanding 2 ● - Complete Text - Locke - Human Understanding 3 ● - Complete Text - Locke - Human Understanding 4 ● - Complete Text - Locke - Treatises of Government ● - Complete Text - Machiavelli - The Art of War ● - Complete Text - Machiavelli - The Prince ● - Complete Text - Marcus Aurelius ● - Complete Text - Marx - The Holy Family ● - Complete Text - Marx and Engels - The Communist Manifesto ● - Complete Text - Marx and Engels - The German Ideology ● - Complete Text - Mill - On Liberty ● - Complete Text - Mill - Socialism ● - Complete Text - Mill - System of Logic ● - Complete Text - Mill - The Contest in America ● - Complete Text - Mill - The Subjection of Women ● - Complete Text - Mill - Utilitarianism ● - Complete Text - Nietzsche - All Too Human ● - Complete Text - Nietzsche - Beyond Good and Evil ● - Complete Text - Nietzsche - Dawn of the Day ● - Complete Text - Nietzsche - Genealogy of Morals ● - Complete Text - Nietzsche - The Antichrist ● - Complete Text - Nietzsche - Thus Spake Zarathustra ● - Complete Text - Paine - Common Sense ● - Complete Text - Paine - Rights of Man ● - Complete Text - Pascal - Pensées ● - Complete Text - Plato - Alcibiades I ● - Complete Text - Plato - Alcibiades II ● - Complete Text - Plato - Apology ● - Complete Text - Plato - Charmides ● - Complete Text - Plato - Cratylus ● - Complete Text - Plato - Critias ● - Complete Text - Plato - Eryxias ● - Complete Text - Plato - Euthydemus ● - Complete Text - Plato - Euthyphro ● - Complete Text - Plato - Gorgias ● - Complete Text - Plato - Ion ● - Complete Text - Plato - Laches ● - Complete Text - Plato - Laws ● - Complete Text - Plato - Lesser Hippias ● - Complete Text - Plato - Lysis ● - Complete Text - Plato - Menexenus ● - Complete Text - Plato - Meno ● - Complete Text - Plato - Parmenides ● - Complete Text - Plato - Phaedo ● - Complete Text - Plato - Phaedrus ● - Complete Text - Plato - Philebus ● - Complete Text - Plato - Protagoras ● - Complete Text - Plato - Sophist ● - Complete Text - Plato - Statesman ● - Complete Text - Plato - The Republic ● - Complete Text - Plato - The Symposium ● - Complete Text - Plato - Theaetetus ● - Complete Text - Plato - Timaeus ● - Complete Text - Rand - The Virtue of Selfishness ● - Complete Text - Rousseau - Confessions ● - Complete Text - Rousseau - Political Economy ● - Complete Text - Rousseau - The Origin of Inequality ● - Complete Text - Rousseau - The Social Contract ● - Complete Text - Sade - Philosophy in the Boudoir ● - Complete Text - Santayana - Sense of Beauty ● - Complete Text - Schopenhauer - Essays ● - Complete Text - Schopenhauer - World as Will and Idea Vol1 ● - Complete Text - Schopenhauer - World as Will and Idea Vol2 ● - Complete Text - Schopenhauer - World as Will and Idea Vol3 ● - Complete Text - Spinoza - Ethics ● - Complete Text - The Athenian Constitution ● - Complete Text - Thomas More - Utopia ● - Complete Text - Thoreau - Civil Disobedience ● - Complete Text - Thoreau - Walden ● - Complete Text - Tocqueville - America ● - Complete Text - William James - Pragmatism ● - Complete Text - William James - The Will to Believe ● - Complete Text - William James - Varieties of Religious Experience ● - Comte - Positive Philosophy ● - Confucius - The Analects ● - Copernicus - The Revolutions ● - Darwin - The Origin of Species ● - Descartes - Discourse on Method ● - Descartes - Meditations ● - Einstein's Relativity ● - Emerson - Nature ● - Epicurus - Sovran Maxims ● - Erasmus - Praise of Folly ● - Error ● - Euclid - Elements ● - Freud - Psychoanalysis ● - Galileo - Two World Systems ● - Hegel - Philosophy of History ● - Hegel - Philosophy of Religion ● - Hitler - Mein Kampf ● - Hobbes - Leviathan ● - Hume - Human Understanding ● - James - Varieties of Religious Experience ● - Kant - Critiques of Reason ● - Kant - Metaphysics of Morals ● - Kierkegaard - Either Or ● - Leibniz - Monadology ● - Locke - Human Understanding ● - Machiavelli - The Prince ● - Marcus Aurelius - Meditations ● - Marx - The Communist Manifesto ● - Marx and Engels - German Ideology ● - Mill - On Liberty ● - Mill - System of Logic ● - More - Utopia ● - Newton - Principia ● - Nietzsche - Beyond Good and Evil ● - Nietzsche - Genealogy of Morals ● - Paine - Rights of Man ● - Pascal - Thoughts ● - Plato - The Apology ● - Plato - The Republic ● - Plato - The Symposium ● - Popper - Scientific Discovery ● - Rand - Selfishness ● - Rousseau - Confessions ● - Rousseau - Social Contract ● - Sade - Philosophy in the Boudoir ● - Sartre - Existentialism is a Humanism ● - Schopenhauer - World as Will and Idea ● - Smith - Wealth of Nations ● - Spinoza - Ethics ● - The Ancient Greeks ● - The Aphorisms of the Philosophers ● - The Bhagavad-Gita ● - The Gospels of Jesus Christ ● - The Noble Quran ● - The Torah ● - Thoreau - Walden ● - Tocqueville - America ● - Turing - Computing Machinery ● - Wittgenstein - Tractatus ● - Wollstonecraft - Rights of Woman
Sitemap Copyright © 2017 Glyn Hughes
