Other Passions: Russel Howcroft eschews tennis for the real thing

Australian businessman and media personality Russel Howcroft plays real tennis at the Royal Melbourne Tennis Club in ...
Australian businessman and media personality Russel Howcroft plays real tennis at the Royal Melbourne Tennis Club in Richmond. Arsineh Houspian

Russel Howcroft, 52, is the chief creative officer PwC but he's more widely known as a Gruen panellist on ABC1. He lives in Melbourne.

Real tennis has been played since the Middle Ages and Henry VIII was a fan. But it has become almost completely obscured by its descendants, lawn and modern tennis. How does it feel to play the sport of kings?

It is part of the romance of the game, the knowledge that it goes back many centuries. King Henry was a good tennis player, but I believe as time went on he created a very important and quirky rule whereby you're still in the game even if you've missed the ball. The second bounce is what matters.

Who would have dared argue with him? Describe real tennis.

It's indoor tennis where the walls play a role and the ball is never out of court. Racquets are heavy, wooden and standardised. The handmade ball is more like a cricket ball but with a felt exterior. The craft of it is appealing, the history is appealing and the game is highly addictive.


The rules?

Scoring is similar to tennis and sets are the best of six. But there are different ways to win a point: for example, by hitting a ball into a net at the back end of a court. It's played at 360 degrees so the ball bounces at all different angles. It's almost a game you would invent in a backyard. It's beautiful.

Some say it's as strategic as chess. What skills are required to play well? 

Very good players have a fabulous understanding of the angles. The strategy is to get to the serving end, yet you might lose the serve during a game. When you first start playing you are so confused and it's all a bit silly. They told me, don't worry, one day it will click. And about three months later it did.

Russel Howcroft says there's no snob factor to real tennis, a lot of people would play both.
Russel Howcroft says there's no snob factor to real tennis, a lot of people would play both. Arsineh Houspian

How and when did you get into the sport?

Ten years ago I was asked to have a hit. I was so thrilled as I was aware of the game and had seen it played. I'd always known I'd like it. 

Give us a technique tip.

It's not dissimilar to squash in that you're belting the ball against a wall, but squash is wristy and using your wrist is death. A real tennis shot is like doing a forward defensive cricket shot with your top hand off the bat. You have to keep yourself nice and solid and get on the front foot and cut the ball. You almost block it and rely on timing more than swing. You have to keep low, too, because the ball skids.

Jack Dorsey, founder of Twitter, on the cover of the August issue of AFR Magazine.
Jack Dorsey, founder of Twitter, on the cover of the August issue of AFR Magazine. James Brickwood

How often do you play?

At least once a week. It looks quite passive, but it's not and you're on a concrete floor. It's hard on the body because you're always stopping quickly. Real tennis is probably awesome business for orthopaedic surgeons.

Do real tennis players see modern tennis players as Johnny-come-latelys?

There's no snob factor. A lot would play both. Because the second bounce matters, you can play a passive style. A couple of gents who play at Royal Melbourne Tennis Club would be well into their 80s. I hope to be in it for the long haul.

There are only five courts in Australia: four in Victoria, one in Tasmania, and a deal signed for one in Cheltenham in Sydney. Is real tennis growing or dying?

Growing. There's always talk of new courts. We have a great younger member crew and it's no more expensive than any other club. We have about 600 regular players on two courts and they'd be full 70 per cent of the time. The clubs are run by professionals who make the balls and teach the players.

Are the family into it too?

There's no way my wife Kate would let my game get in the way of her tennis. I'm hopeful I can get my children to play. One of the great things is that you are welcome at any club around the world. I've played at The Queen's Club and at Lord's. The club here will arrange it all.

Kate was once quoted saying you don't like rules and you like outrageous dressing. How does that work in such a traditional sport?

There's an expectation to wear whites which I'm happy with. As for the rules, in the end it's a really creative endeavour and I think that's why I like it.

As an obsession, how does it compare with your love for the Melbourne Demons?

Good question! Probably equal. I can't play football, so in the absence of playing football I play tennis. And I play real tennis with the same passion.

It used to be known as royal tennis – do you ever call it that?

No. I love the idea of calling it real tennis. It's a nice tradition that it's the real version of the game; nice and cheeky.

And to finish off, how would you pitch real tennis to readers of The Australian Financial Review Magazine?

It's a quirky, creative game with great history and integrity, and is brilliant for people who love to hit a ball. And it's all-weather. 

The August issue of AFR Magazine is out on Friday, July 27 inside The Australian Financial Review. Follow AFR Mag on Twitter and Instagram