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Japan's Finance Minister Taro Aso is considering an extra budget following a series of natural disasters.

Japan mulls budget for disasters

Japan would consider the need for an extra budget in the current fiscal year to support areas devastated by a recent chain of natural disasters.

There are concerns Brett Kavanaugh could be a rubber stamp for President Donald Trump and protect him from lawsuits and ...

Supreme Court nominee avoids criticising Trump

US Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh stressed he believes the judiciary has broad authority to check the power of the White House, but refused to criticise the man who selected him, President Donald Trump.

 Richard Liu, the founder of e-commerce site, was arrested in Minneapolis last week on suspicion of rape.

The curse of China's rich list

Richard Liu, the rags-to-riches entrepreneur who runs e-commerce giant, has been the subject of a social media storm in China this week after news broke he was arrested in the United States on Friday night and later released without charge.

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