Account home


  • What is Account home?
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    Account home provides a summary of account activity and highlights the top Tweets, mentions and followers for any given month. The new landing page provides detailed information on how your account is performing, how far you’ve progressed and helpful tips on how to improve your account strategy.

    Account Home is the new homepage for Users can still access the original Tweet activity dashboard, the previous home of, by selecting the “Tweets” tab located within the header.

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  • How to access account home
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    You must have access to Twitter Ads or Twitter Analytics to access account home. You can access account home via two methods:

    In addition to visiting, users can access account home by selecting “Account home” from the drop down menu on the Analytics tab located on the Campaigns dashboard.

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  • What information is included in account home?
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    Account home provides a 28-day summary for Tweets, Tweet impressions, profile visits, mentions, followers and Tweets linking to your website (if you are using Twitter Cards).

    A monthly summary also provides the same information for any given month. Summary metrics will only display when data is available.

    • Tweets: Number of times you Tweeted
    • Tweet impressions: Number of times users are served your Tweet in timeline, search results, or from your profile
    • Profile visits: Number of times users visited your profile page
    • Mentions: Number of times your @handle was mentioned in Tweets
    • New followers: Number of new followers you gained
    • Tweets linking to you: Number of times your Twitter Card(s) was Tweeted by you and/or other people

    A detailed monthly breakdown is also available for users that displays information on the top:

    • Top Tweet: Tweet that received the highest number of impressions
    • Top media Tweet: Tweet with photo, video, or Vine that received the highest number of impressions
    • Top Card Tweet: Tweet with a Twitter Card that received the highest number of impressions; this can include other people’s Tweets
    • Top mention: Tweet that mentioned your @handle and received the highest number of impressions; this can include other people’s Tweets
    • Top follower: Account with the highest follower count that followed you in a given month

    Users can select the “View Tweet details” button to learn more information about a specific Tweet or select “View follower” to find out more about their top follower.

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  • How can I improve?
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    You can use your account home dashboard to quickly identify your Top tweets to promote, engage with your most influential followers, or as a starting point to do a deeper dive into your account performance.

    After analyzing the account home dashboard and if you would like to get your best performing Tweet in front of a larger audience, we recommend using the Quick Promote feature. To learn more about Quick Promote, click here (insert once QP has been added).

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  • FAQ
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    How up to date is account home?

    Summary metrics reported in account home are updated once every 24 hours, through the previous day. Information about a particular Tweet from the Tweet activity dashboard is updated in real-time.

    How far back does account home report results?

    September 2014 or when your account first accessed Twitter Analytics, whichever is more recent.

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