Twitter Card analytics dashboard

Twitter Cards allow you to attach rich media experiences to Tweets about your content; Twitter Card analytics gives you related insight into how your content is being shared on Twitter.

Through personalized data and best practices, learn how you can improve key metrics such as URL clicks, app install attempts and Retweets.


  • Setting up Twitter Card analytics
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    1. Implement Twitter Cards.

    2. Apply for approval of your cards.

    3. Tweet links to your content. Analytics will be available in 24 hours.

    Alternatively, if you’d like to track Tweets, impressions, clicks, and Retweets of your content prior to implementing Twitter Cards, you can skip the steps above and simply do the following:

    1. Add the following meta tag to your web pages:

    2. Tweet links to your content (note that they will not have Twitter Cards attached to them without the full set of markup). Analytics will be available in 24 hours.
  • Using Twitter Card analytics
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    Twitter Card analytics will be available to your primary account and other Twitter accounts to which you grant access. Allowing Analyst access (or greater) for a Twitter account will enable viewing of all analytics dashboards.

    To enable Analyst access for an account, follow these steps from your primary account:

    1. Log in to the primary account.

    2. In the Accounts drop-down, select “Edit access to account.”

    3. Click “Add more users.”

    4. Enter the account @ username and set the preferred level of access.

    Not seeing any data? Check that Cards are enabled in content on your domains. Validate your URLs here.

  • Features
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    Here are just some of the features you’ll find in Twitter Card analytics:


    Your Snapshot provides a holistic view of how your content is performing on Twitter, showing the number of Tweets containing a link to your website or app.

    Tweets: The overall data (larger circles) for Tweets, impressions, clicks, app install attempts and Retweets include all Tweets containing a link to your website, posted by anyone on Twitter.

    Your Tweets: The inlaid data (smaller circles) includes Tweets linking to your website which originated from Twitter accounts you own.

    Change over time

    A look at how the overall data in your Snapshot has changed over time.


    The most common platforms used to send Tweets that linked to your content.

    Best practices

    You’ll find personalized tips and suggestions (located in gray boxes on the right) that give you ideas for boosting the performance of your content on Twitter.

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