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Issue 18

TP 18 COver








In PDF 4mb

  1. As Neo-Nazi Thugs are Emboldened by the Racist Violence of Police & the Brutal Jailers of the Nauru, Christmas & Manus Island Hell Holes… Crush All the Violent Far Right Racists through United Mass Action by the Workers Movement, Aboriginal People, Coloured People and the Left
  2. Casual & Low Paid Workers in Non-Union Worksites Face Extreme Exploitation. Unions Waging Militant Struggle Can Inspire the Unionisation of Currently Unorganised Workers
  3. Supporters Greet Arrival of DPRK Soccer Team for Asia Cup Finals
  4. Down with Capitalist Australia’s Military Build Up! U.S., Australian Militaries: Stay Out of the South China Sea! Defend Socialistic China against Military Intimidation by Capitalist Powers
  5. An African Person Who Studied in Russia Tells His Story: Capitalism Breeds Racism. A First Hand Account of How Russia’s Return to Capitalism Led to An Explosion of Racism
  6. Imperialist Hypocrisy, Nationalism & Repression after Paris Terror Attacks
  7. Oppose All U.S. & Australian Military & Political Intervention in Syria & Iraq!
  8. Redfern Aboriginal Tent Embassy Stood Strong & Made Gains 
  9. Smash the Cuts to Services Working Class People Need the Most! Stop the Sell-Off of Public Housing
    Massively Increase Public Housing Just Like Socialistic China is Doing
  10. “Human Rights Attacks on Socialistic North Korea & the Trade Union Royal Commission Here: Both are Campaigns of Lies to “Justify” Attacks on Anyone Standing in the Way of Capitalist Exploitation.
    Down with the Right-Wing Campaign of Lies about North Korea!
  11. The Transition from Socialist Revolution to Communism. On the Tasks of the Workers State in the Transition to Equality and Stateless Society
  12. Defenders of the Socialistic DPRK Support the DPRK Soccer Team at the Asia Cup
  13. What Strategy Is Needed to Counter the Violent Racist Threat? Working Class-Based Mass Direct Action vs Liberal/Social-Democratic Pacifism
  14. Ten Years On after the Filthy, Violent White Supremacist Riot Trade Unionists, Ethnic People & All Anti-Racists Must Unite to Open Up Cronulla Beach to People of Colour!

Issue 17

Issue 17 December 2014
ISSN 2201-358X

TP Cover

  1. Smash Abbott’s Budget. Rely on Class Struggle Not Campaigning for ALP/Greens Governments. Unleash Industrial Action Now to Reverse Three Decades of Attacks on Working Class People.
  2. U.S./Australia: Hands off Iraq and Syria! Defend Syria against Western Imperialism & its “Rebel” Proxies! Workers Caught in the Crosshairs of Capitalism: Don’t Let the Jingoistic Beat of War Divert You from Justified Anger at the Exploiters & Their Budget. Abbott/Shorten’s War and “Anti-Terror Laws” are Bad for Working Class People.
  3. Greetings for the October 1 Anniversary of China’s Great 1949 Revolution. Down with Yuppy, Anti-Communist Hong Kong Protests.
  4. Suffering of a Public Housing Tenant. Fight for Proper Maintenance of Public Housing. Stop the Neglect and Stop the Sell-Offs.
  5. For Working Class Action against the U.S. & Australian Rulers Backing Israel’s Genocidal Terror. Support the Palestinian Struggle for Self- Determination! Defend Syrian Self-Determination against NATO’s Proxy Armies!
  6. Provocation by Violent Racists Crushed in Brisbane:Unions United with Leftists & Other Anti-Racists Got the Job Done!
  7. Mobilise United Action of Aboriginal People, Trade Unions and “Ethnic” Communities to Demand: Justice For TJ, Jail for the Racist Murdering Cops!
  8. Stop Capitalist Job Slashing through Class Struggle. Force Bosses to Increase Hiring at the Expense of their Profits!
  9. Force the Ruling Class to Hold Back Their Cops from Killing Aboriginal People – Unleash Union/Black Action! Palm Island Aboriginal Hero Lex Wotton Joins Brisbane G20 Protests.
  10. Freedom for the Refugees! No to Offshore or Onshore Detention! Build a Pro-Working Class Refugee Rights Movement.
  11. Racist Cop Attack on Teen Gathers Protesters Outside Police Station.
  12. The Main Enemy Are the Capitalist Rulers at Home. Lift Western Sanctions on Russia! Down with NATO/Australian Meddling in Ukraine! Abbott & Shorten Use Ukraine Plane Tragedy to Promote Support for Aussie Imperialism. Defend the Just Struggle of the People of the Donbass! For the Revolutionary Unity of the Ukrainian and Russian Working Class!
  13. Anti-Fascists Give Violent Racists a Drubbing in Marrickville. Build Trade Union-Centred Mass Actions to Crush the Fascists!
  14. Sydney Rally Opposes Entire U.S. and Australian Imperialist Intervention in Syria and Iraq.

Issue 17 PDF Format 2.8 MB

Issue 16

TP 16 on a file in PDF format: TP16

Smash Rudd’s Racist Scheme! Immediate Asylum in Australia for All Refugee Arrivals!

Sydney, 20 July 2013: Protestors in Sydney join others all around the country in the first defiant response to Kevin Rudd’s announcement of his cruel and racist “PNG Solution.”

Sydney, 20 July 2013: Protestors in Sydney join others all around the country in the first defiant response to Kevin Rudd’s announcement of his cruel and racist “PNG Solution.”
Sydney, 20 July 2013: Protestors in Sydney join others all around the country in the first defiant response to Kevin Rudd’s announcement of his cruel and racist “PNG Solution.”

Racist Scapegoating of Refugees and 457 Visa Workers Is Aimed at Attacking Workers’ Rights. Trade Unions: Win Freedom for Refugees! Defend 457 Visa Workers’ Rights!

Official figures show that as of 10 June 2013, there are over 1,850 child refugees being detained in Australia.
Official figures show that as of 10 June 2013, there are over 1,850 child refugees being detained in Australia.

Unleash Militant Class Struggle to Restore the Single Parent Payment and Massively Increase Both the Parenting Payment and Newstart Allowance! Smash the ALP Government’s Attack on Low-Income Single Mothers!


An Eye Witness Account of Capitalist South Korea

Above: South Korean Ssangyong workers armed with metal pipes during their 2009 industrial struggle with the car company. In South Korea workers have a strong history of resisting their exploiters and subsequently being brutalised by the capitalist state.
Above: South Korean Ssangyong workers armed with metal pipes during their 2009 industrial struggle with the car company. In South Korea workers have a strong history of resisting their exploiters and subsequently being brutalised by the capitalist state.

Defend Syria from Imperialist-Imposed Regime Change!june 15 rally_fmt

An Eyewitness Account of North Korea and Its People: Bravely Building a Friendly, Socialistic Society While in the Cross Hairs of Imperialism

A scene from the 2012 Arirang performance hails the socialist alliance between North Korea and the Peoples Republic of China.
A scene from the 2012 Arirang performance hails the socialist alliance between North Korea and the Peoples Republic of China.

Issue 15

Massively Increase Public Housing! Socialistic China is Doing That So Let’s Fight for the Same Here!

One of China’s many new public housing complexes. Last year China started construction of<br /><br /><br /><br />
over ten million new public housing dwellings.

Oppose Police Terror against Aboriginal People, “Ethnic” Youth And All The Poor! Don’t Allow Business as Usual – Build Mass Actions Backed by Trade Union Power!

Horrific Racist Savagery: After shooting Aboriginal youth Troy Taylor in Sydney’s Kings Cross, police drag and bash the teenager as he bleeds to within an inch of death. -Sunday Telegraph

No to Neo-Colonialism: Defend Syria against the Pro-Imperialist “Rebels”. Oppose All NATO/Australia Diplomatic, Military & Political Intervention in Syria! 

Sydney, August 5:  Syrian origin youth pose for a photo in front of the Trotskyist Platform banner at the thousands strong, Hands Off Syria rally.

Crush the QLD Government’s Attacks on Public Sector Workers! Let’s Not Get Diverted into Campaigning for an ALP/Greens Government! The Only Thing That Can Save Jobs is All Out Strike Action!

An unlucky participant at the September 12 rally in Brisbane - one of thousands being laid off from the public sector in an austerity drive resembling those occurring across Europe.


The Struggle for the Left to Take an Anti-Imperialist Position on the Syria Conflict

PDF of TP Issue 15:TP15