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Who we are

The world is suffering from many problems: poverty, war, ecological disasters, racism, and so on. But if enough people join forces to build another world, together we will succeed.

We are a group of people engaged in the struggle for a better world. Together, we are building an organization dedicated to global revolution, called the International Organization for a Participatory Society (IOPS). For more about us, watch our introductory video, scroll through our slideshow and read more here: About IOPS.


We seek to win a new participatory society based on solidarity, equity/justice, diversity, self-management, and ecological stewardship, through:

  • flexibly exploring and advocating long-term vision
  • planting the seeds of the future in the present
  • empowering the lives of our members
  • organizing in an internally classless and self-managing way
  • winning changes in society that improve the lives of people in the present

Read our mission statement.


IOPS flexibly explores and organizes around a long-term vision of the broad features of a participatory society that centrally addresses:

  • Economics
  • Politics
  • Culture/Race
  • Kinship/Gender
  • Ecology
  • International Relations

Read our vision statement.


To give every member a proportional say in decisions affecting them (self-management), we are organizing in a bottom-up structure, aiming to become a federation of local, regional and national branches.

Local chapters are self-managing and have proportional say in regional, national and international issues.

Read our structure and program statement.


Currently, we are in a building-up stage. In due time we will take
decisions to determine further organizational details.

IOPS is open to anyone wishing to join who shares the commitments in the organizational description and wants to actively participate in the life of the organization. If you have any questions before joining, please see:

To become a member, Join IOPS.

Latest News


https://diem25.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/diem25_english_long.pdf https://diem25.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/diem25_english_short.pdf What is DiEM25? DiEM25 is a pan-European, cross-border movement of democrats. We believe that the European…

Murray Bookchin and the Ecology of Freedom

Tribute: Murray Bookchin and the ecology of freedom Written by Contributor, 30th July 2017, 0 Comments Here’s a thinker, who in the 1960s, declared climate change as a defining problem of the age. Who accused his fellow environmentalists…


The Next System Podcast  https://soundcloud.com/user-26002169/ep-1-gar-alperovitz-gus-speth   Ep. 1: Gar Alperovitz & Gus Speth on the Next System  In the debut episode of the Next System Podcast, host Adam Simpson sits down…

New Albert book: Practical Utopia

A new book by Michael Albert is out: Practical Utopia: Strategies for a Desirable Society According to the Acknowledgements section, “The material in this book comes largely from a prior collection of three short volumes called Fanfare…

Simplicity Institute -Some Simplicity Just Added

Something from the Simplicity Institute, not me! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Over the last few months I have been working with my co-director…


Here's the latest BIEN newsletter, http://mailchi.mp/basicincome/bien-newsflash-may-1389873?e=6d96ada97e Below is from the Zuckerberg, everyone's Faecesbook friend. Just click like if you like! Always good to have the ruling classes on board…

Latest Polls

Selection of the Adjudication Committee

Closed end: 21 January 2017

The purpose of this poll is to select the adjudication committee, in accordance with the decisions of the September 2016 poll on the makeover proposals.The…


Candidate Sarah Owens:

Yes (10)
No (0)
Abstain (0)

Total: 10

Candidate Ann Ferguson:

Yes (9)
No (1)
Abstain (0)

Total: 10

Candidate Perr Mille:

Yes (8)
No (1)
Abstain (0)

Total: 9

Candidate Howard Goldson:

Yes (9)
No (1)
Abstain (0)

Total: 10

Candidate Verena Stresing:

Yes (10)
No (0)
Abstain (0)

Total: 10

Candidate Kathryn Kang:

Yes (9)
No (1)
Abstain (0)

Total: 10

Candidate Claire Bruhn:

Yes (10)
No (0)
Abstain (0)

Total: 10

Candidate Matic Primc:

Yes (9)
No (1)
Abstain (0)

Total: 10

Candidate Joe McKay:

Yes (10)
No (0)
Abstain (0)

Total: 10

Total Number of Voters: 10

Ready for a Change

by Leif Lønne

No more bosses

by Antonio Carty


by Claire Bruhn

Class War

by IOPS Melbourne


Here are some interviews with members about IOPS including Cynthia PetersDavid MartyElizabeth MeadeFlorian Zollmann, Jermaine ChambersJustin Podur, Michael Albert (20122014), Noam ChomskyPaul Street and Verena Stresing.

You can find further testimonials of members here.

There is also an open letter from our consultative committee including Eva Golinger, John Pilger, Vandana Shiva and others which can be found here.

Latest Blogs


Verfassungsschutz!   I. Z. Nessuno-Raskolnikov (2018)   Ich habe mal wieder "News" gegoogelt um "Fak(e)ten" aus dem Dampf narrativer Nuancen zu kondensieren. Axel Springer’s DIE WELT (Reuters/dpa/cba) hat dann mit "Parallelgesellschaft"…

We are moving to a people-first economy. Join us!

Your invitation is here. The above invitation is from me, as the founder and CEO (i.e. nobody in particular) Imagine it coming from someone with a profile like Noam Chomsky or Danny Glover (as Global Ambassador), who has the potential to unite…

Lets save youth from drugs

My eyes have seen things, u have not , my heart has burned in ways yours will not, my soul has bled in ways yours will not, The have nots , canot and the will nots are the sheep of our nation, They sleep without fear because i am the wolf that…

La Raison

  • ,
  • 0

Précision du vocabulaire «  Le penseur a besoin de l’imagination, de l’élan de l’abstraction, de l’élévation au-dessus des sens, de l’invention, du pressentiment, de…


L'économie-politique actuelle se caractérise, entre autres, par : - un dilemme inévitable dû au degré de complexité de nos sociétés : toute représentation intellectuelle est…

Deutschland erwache!

Deutschland erwache!I. Z. Nessuno-Raskolnikov (2018) Prolog Deutschland erwache!K. Tucholsky (1930)Daß sie ein Grab dir graben,dass sie mit Fürstengelddas Land verwildert haben,dass Stadt um Stadt verfällt ...Sie wollen…

2018 Global Forum

What do people think about this? Should we get involved and attend? https://2018globalforum.com

Newest Projects

People-first Economy

This project is about breaking the grip of Old Power by democratizing economic power not through some sort of socialist revolution that takes State power in the name of the proletariat, but by using technology…

Latest IOPS proposals

No proposals have yet been submitted using the newly introduced process. Go here to get instructions on how to create a proposal.

Proposed projects

Below are links to project proposals that are awaiting enough support. If you support the idea, please leave a comment under the proposal.

Film nights


Upcoming Events
Events not found

Organizing and bookfairs in Dublin
Bookfairs in Kent
Organizingtalks and other events in London
Banners, marches and cultural events in New York
Organizing in Montana
Organizing and tabling in Oregon
Petititions in Seattle
Protests and logos in Melbourne
Protests, talks and workshops in Vienna

Newest Members
Newest Chapters


Ontario, Canada

Founded: 8th Jul 2018

Social Media

Facebook  Twitter Tumblr



Please bear in mind that, although we realize the utility of social media, we are critical of the corporations behind those websites.