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Jeremy Kuzmarov talks about the New Cold War via Radio Sputnik’s Loud & Clear

Karl Marx famously wrote that history repeats itself, first as tragedy, and then as farce. The first Cold War was a tragedy. The new Cold War is playing out as a dangerous farce. That’s the thesis of Jeremy Kuzmarov and John Marciano in The Russians are Coming, Again. Brian Becker and John Kiriakou speak with Kuzmarov, author and assistant professor of American history at the University of Tulsa. | more…

“A powerful package of ideas in highly readable form” — Paul Buhle reviews The Russians Are Coming, Again

These days we see a seemingly odd project taking place in the realms of American liberalism: ferocious insistence that the truly outrageous Donald J. Trump is at his worst when….making peace with our enemies! Has he been brainwashed by Russian and/or North Korean agents, perhaps? Or is this all, perhaps, a crude plan to place Trump Steaks in Trump hotels in heretofore unbidden locations? What kind of madness would lessen the threat of American nukes that keeps us all as safe as we may reasonably hope to be?… | more…

Communism and the Environment reviews Ian Angus’s A Redder Shade of Green

Ian Angus’ (author of Canadian Bolsheviks, 1981; Facing the Anthropocene, 2016) latest book A Redder Shade of Green: Intersections of Science and Socialism consists of a collection of essays/talks made over the course of the past few years. It is readable, current, and packed with highly relevant material for anyone concerned about our planet and our species’ future…. | more…

JAFSCD reviews Eric Holt-Giménez’s A Foodie’s Guide to Capitalism

What role does love play in challenging the devastating impacts of capitalism on our food system? What role does hope play? For Holt-Giménez, the author of A Foodie’s Guide to Capitalism, both love and hope are essential in building a more just and sustainable world, and his newest book is inspired by his long career of allying with those “for whom giving up was not an option”…. Another world is indeed possible, and Holt-Giménez gives us the tools we need to better understand the ways that capitalism—and racism—and sexism—and classism—stand in the way of that world…. | more…