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Archive for the ‘Marble’ Category

Porcelain Boys / Marble

Filed under: Compilations,Marble,Porcelain Boys — Tags: , — mnpunk @ 2:41 AM

The Tsetsee Split

This is a split 7" from Dellwood’s pop-punk masters, the Porcelain Boys and Mankato’s Marble.  Released in 1996, this is an excellent document of mid-90’s melodic punk.  No one in Minnesota did it better than the PB’s.  Marble’s CD is also posted here, so check that out too.

This one comes complements of our friends at Wilfully Obscure .

Get it here .

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Filed under: Marble — Tags: — mnpunk @ 2:37 AM

Spinning Around 1997

Do you like Black Flag or ALL’s instrumental songs?  If so, than this is right up your alley.   Marble were a pop punk band in the 1990’s Descendents/ALL style.  This album does feature a singer on it, but my memory says that he left right after this was recorded or something, because I only remember seeing them as an instrumental band.  Oh, and if you think that all Minnesota punk comes from the Twin Cities, you’d be wrong.  I think these guys were from the Mankato area.

Search the interwebs for Marble and you’ll likely find nothing….that’s a shame because this record is a pop punk classic.

They also released a split 7" EP with the Porcelain Boys.

Get it here .

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