
@1H4ND -ஐத் தடைசெய்துள்ளீர்கள்

நிச்சயமாக இந்தக் கீச்சுகளைப் பார்க்க விரும்புகிறீர்களா? கீச்சுகளைப் பார்ப்பது, @1H4ND -ஐத் தடைநீக்காது.

  1. மறுட்விட் செய்துள்ளார்
    23 மணிநேரம் முன்

    We consider the assault on women's rights presented by the gender movement as an emergency. We must protect women and gender-nonconforming youth from male violence and medical experimentation. There is no room for ego and purity politics.

  2. மறுட்விட் செய்துள்ளார்
    2 மணிநேரம் முன்

    In a nutshell: Self-id means that where a female-only job advert is allowed in the Equality Act, as a proportionate means to meet a legitimate aim, both males and females are encouraged to apply.

  3. 1 மணிநேரம் முன்

    OMG! This is too perfect. He’s the “expert”. She’s the virtuoso.

  4. 2 மணிநேரம் முன்

    Psychologists who think lying to patients is kind are the reason women are losing rights & gnc children are being medicalised.

  5. மறுட்விட் செய்துள்ளார்
    மே 18

    This, from last Tuesday, remains by far the best summary of our situation that I’ve seen. Spoiler alert: it’s not pretty.

  6. மறுட்விட் செய்துள்ளார்
    மே 10

    In real life, heroes end up DEAD. I don’t want that for me, or for my friends. We want you at home, safe and healthy with your family, until the incompetent sociopaths in government can take the hard, necessary steps to safely reopen the country.

    இந்தத் தொடர்ச்சியைக் காண்பி
  7. மறுட்விட் செய்துள்ளார்
    மே 10

    It will be doctors like me who will be waist-deep in bodies, and eventually catch it ourselves. Don’t tell me this is the flu. It isn’t. Don’t shower me with nonsense platitudes about heroism. I don’t want to be a hero. No doctor or first responder does. Do you know why?

    இந்தத் தொடர்ச்சியைக் காண்பி
  8. மறுட்விட் செய்துள்ளார்
    மே 10

    Let me explain to you how this is going to go down. The virus is widespread in the community right now. The country will re-open without adequate contact tracing or testing. The pandemic will smolder for a short time, and then explode.

    இந்தத் தொடர்ச்சியைக் காண்பி
  9. மறுட்விட் செய்துள்ளார்
    28 நவ., 2019

    Sacked twice for lying Found to have lied by Supreme Court Lied about 40 hospitals Lied about 50K nurses Lied about prorogation Lied on a bus Lied about death in a ditch Lied to the Queen Lied about everything to everyone But has he lied? “Absolutely not”

  10. மறுட்விட் செய்துள்ளார்
    மே 19

    A BBC journalist editorialising like this casts doubt on their impartiality but it may also cause viewers to think that the lockdown is about politics rather than protecting health. A proper retraction and clarification would be good

  11. மறுட்விட் செய்துள்ளார்
    மே 19

    For all rightly upset by Sara Smith' behaviour, remember Drummond's Law. 'In extremis, even if everyone in Scotland objected to its output, BBC Scotland could continue - because there is no democratic oversight of its conduct in this country."

  12. மறுட்விட் செய்துள்ளார்
    மே 18

    If you'd like to let the BBC know how you feel about Sarah Smith's broadcasts tonight, you can do so here:

    If you would like to submit a complaint about any BBC TV or Radio programme you can do so by calling 03700 100 222*, by visiting www.bbc.co.uk/complaints or by writing to BBC Complaints, PO Box 1922, Darlington DL3 0UR
  13. மறுட்விட் செய்துள்ளார்
    மே 19

    Brexit now would be like treating a critically ill patient with a bag of toxic waste. Pound now the third worst performing major currency in the world as we face the biggest recession in 300 years.

    இந்தத் தொடர்ச்சியைக் காண்பி
  14. மறுட்விட் செய்துள்ளார்
    மே 19

    On today’s show, which bit of losing your freedom to live, study & work in thirty other countries are *you* most excited about?

  15. மறுட்விட் செய்துள்ளார்
    மே 18

    Amazon refused to give its hourly workers paid sick leave, only allowing warehouse workers with pre-existing conditions to take *unpaid* leave. It's already suspending that measly policy, along with workers' $2/hour hazard pay... ...even as Bezos' wealth has grown by $23.6B.

  16. மே 19
  17. மறுட்விட் செய்துள்ளார்
    மே 18

    1) You’re not “Ending Free Movement”. Over 30 countries still have it. You’re just ending it for Brits. 2) Don’t dare imply that FM was any kind of discrimination. Under FM, countries are free to give non-EU citizens *more* rights than EU citizens. Our govt chose to give less.

  18. மறுட்விட் செய்துள்ளார்
    மே 18

    Sweden: Since april, fifty(!) times more people die each month from (60*30=1800) than from car accidents (20/month) and homicide (10/month) together. Impressive "strategy": Letting 2000 innocent, vulnerable people die each month for the greater good of "herd immunity".

  19. மே 19
  20. மறுட்விட் செய்துள்ளார்
    மே 18

    They’re guided by the science, they keep on telling us. What science? And why on earth is it a secret? Damning new piece by


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