
Professional Social Distancer

World’s End
যোগদান করেছেন সেপ্টেম্বর ২০১৩


আপনি @1H4ND-কে ব্লক করেছেন

আপনি কি এই টুইটগুলি দেখতে চাওয়ার বিষয়ে নিশ্চিত? টুইটগুলি দেখা হলে @1H4ND অবরোধ মুক্ত হবে না।

  1. পুনঃ টুইট করেছেন
    ২ ঘন্টা আগে

    US: Vitamin D can lower respiratory infection risk by 70% in those that are deficient, new study | Harvard | Medscape | May 2020

  2. ১ ঘন্টা আগে
  3. ১ ঘন্টা আগে

    is even better than the hype. The plot is thin, the characters are flawed, the dialogue is less than riveting. The little that happens is 100% predictable. It’s incredibly, magnificently ordinary & I hope it changes telly for good.

  4. পুনঃ টুইট করেছেন
    ১৬ মে
    -কে উত্তর দিচ্ছেন

    I can't. Already asked the advice of three lawyers from two separate entities. They told me that since self-id is in place, even though it wasn't when I was diagnosed with GID, I cannot sue. Moreover, doctors will defend their colleagues instead of helping me out.

  5. পুনঃ টুইট করেছেন
    ১৬ মে

    Our survey of privacy technologies for trajectory data publishing will soon appear in Transactions on Data Privacy. A joint effort with many people, and quite timely in these times of data-driven COVID-19 epidemics analysis and containment! Post-print at

  6. পুনঃ টুইট করেছেন
    ১৫ মে

    Whilst we are fully focused on COVID some bad stuff sneaks In. Yesterday’s Rejection of amendment to protect food standards in agri bill is really bad and dangerous. Have we learnt nothing? Pandemics come from poor farming conditions and pillage of wildlife.

  7. পুনঃ টুইট করেছেন
    ১৬ মে
    -কে উত্তর দিচ্ছেন

    My tip is closed but I haven't dumped my rubbish by the side of the road. For the same reasons, when I went to the shop and it was closed, I came home instead of putting their windows in and helping myself. A. It's against the law. B. I'm not an arse.

  8. ১৬ মে

    This puzzles me. I would have expected Brexity right-wing “law & order” types to be more supportive of gov-imposed lockdown. What is behind this?

  9. পুনঃ টুইট করেছেন
    ১৪ মে

    Following news that the 'Freedom Movement' are trying to organise mass gatherings around the UK, it's unlikely to be a coincidence that a new UK company, Freedom Movement Ltd, was registered just two weeks ago by Britain First deputy and all-round racist jailbird Jayda Fransen...

  10. পুনঃ টুইট করেছেন
    ১৬ মে

    Let's not kid ourselves, so much of what we do as Humans is at that extreme expense of all other inhabitants of our fragile planet. It's time to make amends before it's too late for them & us. Please learn about & support the work to save what is left: @

    এই থ্রেডটি দেখান
  11. ১৬ মে

    So a woman who commits a crime as a man is a woman. But an man who commits a crime as a woman is also a woman? Seems legit.

    এই টুইটটি অনুপলভ্য।
  12. পুনঃ টুইট করেছেন
    ১৬ মে

    This is long overdue. The capture by of the as well as the and has led to a reduction in rights for women and girls.

  13. পুনঃ টুইট করেছেন
    ১৬ মে

    A searing editorial in the British Medical Journal analyses the UK’s public health response to & finds it was “too little, too late, too flawed”. The authors are very critical of the lack of public health experts on

    এই থ্রেডটি দেখান
  14. পুনঃ টুইট করেছেন
    ১৫ মে

    This mummy helps her baby accross the road, who just wants a lay down in the middle. A gentle reminder that whilst we have been at home many new animals have been born this spring with no awareness of vehicles etc please respect that and drive sensibly

  15. পুনঃ টুইট করেছেন
    ১৪ মে

    Dr Jenny Harries said at a No10 Presser that WHO advice to test, trace & isolate was only for countries without advanced health systems & not the UK. Kerala with a population of 35M has had 4 deaths. Looks like our ‘advanced health system’ just killed 60,000 people.

  16. পুনঃ টুইট করেছেন
    ১৪ মে

    In my column I make a concrete proposal about taking National Assemblies online to facilitate democratic policy making during the pandemic & criticise the minority who try to stifle debate & the anonymous briefers

    এই থ্রেডটি দেখান
  17. ১৪ মে

    Philosophers are, without doubt, the greatest bullshitters on the planet. Imagine including Butler beside Plato in a list of the most important thinkers in human history.

  18. পুনঃ টুইট করেছেন
    ১৩ মে

    I’m in a car in Nairobi with the radio news on, and not a word of a lie, they’ve just covered the differences between the raising of COVID restrictions in a England and the regulations still in place in the devolved regions more clearly than 75% of UK news outlets.

  19. পুনঃ টুইট করেছেন
    ১৩ মে

    This is bad news. Bad for herd immunity, and possibly bad for a vaccine. If this antibody response reflects all people infected it suggests the infection fatality rate in Spain is high at around 1.3%. It also means more waves of infection.

  20. পুনঃ টুইট করেছেন
    ১৩ মে

    Animal protection groups including are urging governments across Asia to permanently SHUT DOWN dog and cat meat markets and trades, amid global concern about zoonotic diseases and public health danger zones! 🚫🦠


লোড হতে বেশ কিছুক্ষণ সময় নিচ্ছে।

টুইটার তার ক্ষমতার বাইরে চলে গেছে বা কোনো সাময়িক সমস্যার সম্মুখীন হয়েছে আবার চেষ্টা করুন বা আরও তথ্যের জন্য টুইটারের স্থিতি দেখুন।

    আপনিও পছন্দ করতে পারেন
