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Alfie John
It's all about the Pentiums, baby ☕
Alfie John retweeted
Stu Kershaw 11h
We are all living in a post-Keynesian dystopian nightmare.
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Alfie John 8h
. you're forgetting... was it just a promise, a core promise, or a core core promise. You have to look at the exponent.
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Alfie John 8h
Awesome... SDL2 in Rust. It just works, no fuss
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Alfie John 9h
under the TPP, you'll be legally binded on what other nations think.
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Alfie John 11h
. When nobody carries, it lowers the probability of getting shot
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Alfie John retweeted
Rust Language 19h
This blog post made the team smile pretty hard:
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Alfie John retweeted
Object Of Objects Jun 17
You either accept our false dichotomy or you're against us.
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Alfie John retweeted
Jurre van Bergen 17h
Seems the Quantum program got implemented at ASD: Detect attacks:
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Alfie John retweeted
Nick Armstrong 19h
Suppose was only a matter of time before we had this announcement
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Alfie John retweeted
Rust Language 14h
Redis, re-implemented in Rust:
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Alfie John retweeted
priscilla page 13h
I just want to believe in Paris Hilton's secret ham-radio room
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Alfie John 12h
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Alfie John 21h
. if extraterritorial jurisdiction works both ways, should Ecuador charge Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld with war crimes?
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Alfie John 23h
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Alfie John 23h
that's a shame. Yeah, just past Spin cafe
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Alfie John 23h
people trying to hack you will use 8Mb of data for usernames. If you're only expecting real world, you're going to have a bad time
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Alfie John 23h
has anyone got a date? waiting...
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Alfie John retweeted
Geoffroy Couprie Jun 18
Wrapper Types in Rust: Choosing Your Guarantees
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Alfie John Jun 18
. Funny, we were talking exactly this a couple of hours ago. Eye of the Tiger included
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Alfie John Jun 18
no Eye of the Tiger?
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