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Michael Mahemoff
It's so just cloud! Full-stacker making podcasts cool again at Player FM. Previously Google.
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Bored Elon Musk 4시간
An "unverified" twitter badge.
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Michael Mahemoff 6시간
Cool, I imagine it works great for tiles :)
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Michael Mahemoff 7시간
Chrome still has a big problem rendering alt text
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Michael Mahemoff 7시간
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Michael Mahemoff 님이 리트윗함
Stuart Memo 1일
I'm talking out loud in Guilford at in September! If you fancy going use the code "memoWXG" to get money off.
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Michael Mahemoff 1일
Which mirrors JavaScript’s 10 day creation. As programming languages go, its road to mastery has special challenges.
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Michael Mahemoff 1일
Ask “Will this scale?” no matter what it is … Appearing smart during meetings /thx
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Michael Mahemoff 님이 리트윗함
Justin Mezzell 2일
Here's to more honest UX.
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Michael Mahemoff 님이 리트윗함
Design UX/UI 2일
99% of tutorials on the web
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Michael Mahemoff 2일
One of the un-sexy aspects of consumer tech is keeping incremental costs low. Forget about that amazing cloud service for developers.
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Michael Mahemoff 2일
similar to pre-WYSIWYG secretaries using the Markdown of the day.
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Michael Mahemoff 님이 리트윗함
Mike Atherton 2일
1980s kids' book makes a mockery of 'should designers code?' (i.e. learn a bit of HTML/CSS).
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Michael Mahemoff 4일
When dealing with layered content, please say “in front” and “behind”. Not the ambiguous “above” and “below”.
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Michael Mahemoff 님이 리트윗함
Dion Almaer 4일
A subtle tweak to the much-maligned hamburger menu.
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Michael Mahemoff 4일
Do you run your blog on a solar-powered PC at home :) It’s a spectrum - the Blogger scenario’s midway imo.
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Michael Mahemoff 4일
- is right that you *can* own your piece if using custom domain on Blogger. Even if most Bloggers don’t.
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Michael Mahemoff 4일
now does SASS with Compass + Bourbon! Well played
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Michael Mahemoff 님이 리트윗함
Paul Ford 4일
When I am knee-deep in project mess this is what everything I read looks like:
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Michael Mahemoff 5일
Yes and that > indifference/apathy
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Michael Mahemoff 5일
Well it can be painful but that’s as it should be.
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