Our Comrades

Bill Bird  

A Tribute to Bill Bird

E.F. (“Ted”) Hill

I write a personal tribute to the life and work of Bill Bird, former official of the Seaman’s Union.


more...- Posted on 2017 Jun 07

Doreen Lorbach  

Doreen Lorbach – A life devoted to serving the peopl

Betty Little ( from Vanguard 17 June 1998 )

Great fighters are developed from within the revolutionary movement; as older comrades die, new and younger ones reach up to take their place.


more...- Posted on 2017 Jun 06

Clarrie O'Shea  

Communist Party of Australia (M-L) statement on life of Clarrie O’Shea
(from Vanguard Aug 26, 1998)

Clarrie O’Shea was a fighter for the working class all his life. He played a prominent role in many struggles, including the great national movement against the penal powers in 1969.


more...- Posted on 2017 Jun 05

Ken Miller  

Learning from Ken Miller's Life

By E.F. Hill, former chairman of the Communist Party of Australia (Marxist- Leninist)
(from Australian Communist March/April 1987 No. 140)


more...- Posted on 2017 May 07

Ted Bull  

Part One: (from Vanguard 28 January 1988)

Big crowd mourns Ted Bull

A crowd of 700 packed into Trades Hall in Melbourne on 22 December to attend a memorial meeting for legendary unionist and Communist A.E. (Ted) Bull.


more...- Posted on 2017 May 06

Mel Mooney  

(from Vanguard 26 July 1995)

Fighter for the people dies in Melbourne

Mel Mooney, a veteran fighter for the working class died in Melbourne on 9 June 1995. He was 79 years of age.



more...- Posted on 2017 May 01



Bill Bird

Doreen Lorbach

Clarrie O'Shea

Ken Miller

Ted Bull

Mel Mooney

Dulcie Steffanou

Norm “The General” Gallagher

Fortis Antipas

Cedric Ralph

Comrade Frank Mulheron

Cde. John "Cummo" Cummins

Comrade Charlie McCaffrey

Betty Oke, champion of the people – A tribute

Comrade Neil McLean

Comrade Paddy Malone



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