AccueilWomen and political activism against Latin American dictatorships

Women and political activism against Latin American dictatorships

As mulheres e a militância política contra as ditaduras da América latina

Las mujeres y la militancia política contra las dictaduras de América latina

“Orda” journal

Revista «Orda»

*  *  *

Publié le vendredi 22 juillet 2016 par Céline Guilleux


The main objective of this issue is to gather works of researchers from different countries, diverse fields of knowledge and several theoretical as well as methodological perspectives, so as to feed the debate on the issues in keeping with female participation during the dictatorships of Latin America. Contributions should tackle the subject of women activists but they may also consider in a less strict sense the link between women and activism. We wish to address the issue of activism in a broad sense to include a wide range of social movements in which women have played a significant role. 



The ORDA Journal is preparing a special issue for 2017 on « Women and political activism against Latin American dictatorships ».

The main objective of this issue is to gather works of researchers from different countries, diverse fields of knowledge and several theoretical as well as methodological perspectives so as to feed the debate on the issues in keeping with female participation during the dictatorships of Latin America. Following the periodization proposed by the historian Joana Maria Pedro, we try to determine the impact of activism against dictatorships upon several forms of feminism [PEDRO and WOLFF, 2010]. Exile can also transform one’s relation to gender when one can appropriate new practices that are transferred in a second time to Latin America [FRANCO, 2005]. Contributions should tackle the subject of women activists but they may also consider in a less strict sense the link between women and activism. We wish to address the issue of activism in a broad sense to include a wide range of social movements in which women have played a significant role. Contributors may consider one of the following topics (this list is merely indicative) : women and labour movements, the role of feminist action in the process toward amnesty, the place of female organizations in the democratic transition and under the Constitution period, the politic commitment of the abuelas and madres in Argentina , etc.


  • Publication of the call for contributions : 16 07 2016
  • Due date for the articles to be sent : 30 09 2016

  • Answer to the authors : 01 11 2016
  • Double blinded assessment of the articles : 01 01 2017
  • Corrections by the author : 01 02 2017
  • Publication of the issue : Spring 2017


The writing committee will then proceed to a double blind assessment and will give an answer to the author within three months. The assessment can be « acceptation without modification », « acceptation with required modification » or « not accepted ». If the double blinded expertise demands modifications the author is invited to correct his or her proposal within two months. After this delay the editors are not bound to accept any proposal.

Presentation of the manuscripts

The issue will gather 8 to 10 articles that may not exceed 50 000 signs, (notes, bibliography and spaces included) and must be written in one of the four publication languages of the Journal, that is in English, Spanish, French or Portuguese. A general introduction will present the topic and the articles of the issue.

The articles shall be submitted as digital papers (only « .doc »format ), and sent to

until September 30, 2016.

To be accepted for assessment, the article must be proposed along with :

  • a summary in three languages (Spanish or Portuguese, French and English) ;
  • the title in three languages (Spanish or Portuguese, French and English) ;
  • five keywords and the summary in three languages;
  • the author’s name and address, the institution he or her is affiliated with;
  • a short bio-bibliography of about 1 000 signs (institution of reference and email address are compulsory) (in French).
  • Format :
  • Size A4
  • Margins : 3,0 cm on the left ; 2,0 cm on the right and alignment to the left;
  • Page numbers in the top right-hand corner in Arabic numbers ;
  • Font : Times New Roman, size 12;
  • The same font shall be used in size 10 for the footnotes.
  • Double paragraph also for the summary, the references, notes and annexes.

The document shall not bear the name of the author(s). It is important not to mention any references to previous works or to methodological details allowing the author’s identification.

The first pages of the article shall contain :

  • the title of the article (in small characters, except for the initial). It should be short and informative while reflecting the article’s content.
  • a summary in three languages (Spanish or Portuguese, French and English). It should comprise of 150 to 200 words;
  • five keywords in the same language as for the summary, in small letters, each separated by semi-columns. It is recommended to choose noun words in the singular.


  • Ingrid Faria Gianordoli-Nascimento ;
  • Reidi Araújo Trindade;
  • Maria de Fátima de Souza Santos.


  • vendredi 30 septembre 2016


  • woman, left wing, activism, dictatorship


  • ngrid Faria Gianordoli-Nascimento
    courriel : dossie [dot] orda [at] gmail [dot] com
  • Zeidi Araújo Trindade
    courriel : dossie [dot] orda [at] gmail [dot] com
  • Maria de Fátima De Souza Santos
    courriel : dossie [dot] orda [at] gmail [dot] com

URLS de référence

Source de l'information

  • Ingrid Faria Gianordoli Nascimento
    courriel : dossie [dot] orda [at] gmail [dot] com

Pour citer cette annonce

« Women and political activism against Latin American dictatorships », Appel à contribution, Calenda, Publié le vendredi 22 juillet 2016,