Create a Tweet engagement campaign


  • Why use Tweet engagement Campaigns?
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    Tweet engagement campaigns allow you to extend the reach of your content to a relevant audience on Twitter. You can promote Tweets that are published organically or choose to create Tweets that are only promoted to the audiences you target. You only pay when users you target engage with your content. Impressions that don’t generate an engagement are free.

    Below are a few simple questions to ask yourself as you setup your first campaign.

    • What results do I want to see from the campaign? If you want to drive brand equity, offline sales, or engagements, try including an interesting piece of content along with a call to action. If you want to gain Retweets and start a conversation with users, try including an interesting piece of content to inspire them to share with their followers.
    • Do I want people to engage with my content? Use interest and @username to target Twitter users based off of what you know about your customers. Use keyword targeting to find users that search for or Tweet about a specific term. Research shows that engagement is correlated with brand lift and offline sales.
    • How much should I budget for each campaign? Your targeting and bid will determine your budget. Use the campaign estimator tool in the ads dashboard to estimate reach. Make sure you allocate enough budget to allow for the number of engagements you want to see from your campaign.
    • How much am I willing to pay for each engagement? Think about your goals when you decide how much you want to spend on each engagement. Determine how much value you place on each of these behaviors and set your bid accordingly. Use campaign analytics to determine what’s working best and build on that. 

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  • When should I use Tweet engagement campaigns?
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    Ads promoted through Tweet Engagement campaigns, also known as Promoted Tweets, are just like regular Tweets - with the added bonus that they can reach more people who are interested in your business. They should be used to place your best content in front of the audience that matters to you at the right time.

    Tweet engagement campaigns are a great place to promote engaging content. Using Tweet engagement campaigns you can:

    • Feature new product launches or product benefits
    • Associate your brand with events happening in the world around you
    • Foster dialogue between you and your customers
    • If your goal is to drive awareness for your business, Tweet engagement campaigns can do this in a variety of ways:
    • Expand the reach of your content like blog posts, white papers, and more
    • Connect with influencers and brand advocates by ensuring they see your content
    • Promote awareness around events and product launches
    • Ask for retweets to gain an even broader audience for your messages 

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  • Where do users see my Tweet engagement campaigns?
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    • Home Timelines. Tweet engagement campaigns may be visible within a user’s timeline if an advertiser has promoted a Tweet that is relevant to that user.
    • At the top of relevant search results pages on Tweet engagement campaigns from our advertising partners are called out at the top of some search results pages on and through select ecosystem partners, like Hootsuite.
    • Official Twitter clients. Tweet engagement campaigns from our advertising partners may also be displayed through Twitter’s official desktop and mobile clients, including TweetDeck, Twitter for iPhone, and Twitter for Android, among others.
    • Third-party Twitter clients. We are currently syndicating our Twitter Ads suite to some third-party Twitter clients, including HootSuite.

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  • How much will I pay to run a Tweet engagement Campaign?
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    Twitter Ads are priced using an auction-based system. There is no set price for the engagements and conversions you acquire. Rather, during the campaign setup process you will specify the maximum amount you are willing to pay for each action acquired through that campaign. This amount is your bid.

    Twitter’s cost-per-action pricing ensures you only pay for the specific actions you are looking to drive with your campaign. When you run a Tweet Engagement Campaign, you will only be charged for engagements on your Promoted Tweets. Impressions are free.

    When setting bids, it is important to think carefully about the value each campaign action brings to your business and to bid at least this amount. The recommended bid is a good indicator of the amount you will need to bid for your campaign to reach its goal. You will never be charged more than your bid and advertisers are often charged less. If your bid is not competitive relative to other advertisers, your campaign may not serve.

    In addition to controlling the amount you pay per action, you also have complete control over the amount you spend overall. After setting your bid, you are prompted to enter a total budget for the campaign and, optionally, a daily budget as well. When your overall budget is reached, you campaign will stop serving until you increase the budget. When your daily budget is reached, your campaign will stop serving until the next day. 


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  • Setting up your Tweet engagements campaign
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    First, log in to your Twitter Ads account. If you have yet to set up your first campaign, you will be prompted to choose a campaign type right away. If you have one or more existing campaigns, click the blue “Create new campaign” button on the main campaign dashboard. Choose the Tweet Engagements option from the campaign picker.

    Name your campaign and set your campaign dates

    Give your campaign a name. We suggest something something related to the specific audience you’re targeting with this campaign so that you can easily distinguish between other campaigns you create in the future.

    Enter your campaign start and end dates. For ongoing marketing messages, we recommend selecting the option to Start immediately, run continuously and setting your maximum daily budget to the amount you want to spend per day. For details and more best practices, please see our Campaign Dates and Budgets Help Article.

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  • Set up targeting for your Tweet engagements campaign
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    There are several ways to target your Tweet engagements:


    Keyword targeting allows you to reach the right users at the moment they’ve shown interest in a subject related to your business. This is the best option for reaching users based on keywords in their Tweets and the Tweets they’ve recently engaged with, as well as users who search for specific terms on Twitter.

    Keywords for your Tweet engagements campaign. Your Tweets will be displayed when users perform a search, post a Tweet or engage with a Tweet that contains these keywords. It’s important that the keywords you select are relevant to your Tweet copy.

    Best practices for your keyword targeted Tweet engagements campaigns:

    • Use personalized keyword recommendations. Use the keyword recommendation tool below the targeting box to expand your reach with more terms similar to those you’ve already specified.

    • Import keywords from search marketing campaigns. If you are running any search engine marketing campaigns, some of your search keywords may also work well on Twitter. Try including your top performing keywords, but keep in mind that people search differently than they tweet. Particular keyword combinations may be more or less common on Twitter.

    • Listen to your audience. Keep an eye on Twitter conversations that are important to your industry and consider including any common terms in your keyword targeted campaigns.

    For a more advanced look at keyword targeting, please read our Keyword Targeting Help Article.

    Interests and followers

    You can target Tweet engagement campaigns to users with specific predefined interests, interests similar to followers of individual handles (including your own) and to your current followers.

    Targeting @usernames allows you to reach users with similar interests to the followers of those accounts. To target people who share the interests of your existing followers, check the “Also target users like your followers” box below the @usernames field and we’ll automatically show your Promoted Tweet to this valuable audience. You can also elect to explicitly target your own followers. You’ll never be charged for content served organically to users. By targeting your followers with an ad campaign, you pay only for engagements on impressions that could only be achieved through promoted reach.

    Add interest categories to target a broader audience. We will target users interested in any of the categories you enter, in addition to any @usernames you enter above. For more information on how @username and interest targeting works, please see our Interest and username targeting Help Article.

    Best practices for your interest targeted Tweet engagements campaign:

    • Add an image or video to engage users

    • Create campaigns for each of your different customer segments. Match your targeting to each segment’s interests.

    • Include 10 - 20 @usernames and interests. Keep them in tightly-grouped categories (industry influencers, competitors, etc.). The People search function on Twitter is a great way to find more @usernames to add.

    • Keep an eye on the Estimated audience size box on the right side of the page. This will give you a sense of how many users are included based on your targeting. If it seems too low or too high, add more @usernames or interest categories or delete some of them.

    Tailored Audiences

     Using Tailored Audiences, you (or an authorized third party) can target your campaign to Twitter users based on past visitors to your website, email addresses and other data from your CRM database, or lists of Twitter IDs. Learn more about Tailored Audiences and Website Remarketing.


    TV conversation targeting lets you promote Tweets to people talking about specific TV shows, before, during and after a telecast. Using TV conversation targeting, advertisers can easily reach Twitter users as an extension of their TV strategy. This can be used to build upon product integrations, sponsorships, and other TV tie-ins for an additional touch point or message expansion. TV conversation targeting is available in the US and UK markets at this time.

    How do I set it up?

    • Select ‘Create new campaign.’

    • Choose Tweet engagements campaign.

    • When prompted to choose their primary method of targeting, select Television.

    • You can then select the TV market you wish to target (US and UK at this time).

    • Under their targeting method you can select conversation targeting.

    • You can then search for TV shows, or import multiple shows.

    Target locations you would like to reach

    Select the geographic regions you’d like to reach. We recommend targeting any regions where you do business. If the Tweets you want to promote are relevant to a specific region, limit them to just the most relevant areas. For more information on how geo-targeting works, please see our Geo-targeting Help Article.

    Select devices and platforms to target

    Below the geo-targeting option in your campaign tools, you’ll see the option to Select which devices and platforms you wish to target.

    Best practices for device and platform targeting:

    • If your goal is to generate engagement with your content, start conversations with your customers on Twitter or get Retweets, we recommend targeting all available devices and platforms.

    • If you want to to drive sales or signups, you’ll need to Tweet a link or photo.

    • Many users access Twitter from their smaller-screened mobile devices, so if your website is not optimized for mobile, select the option to target only Desktop and laptop computers.

    Set gender targeting

    The campaign settings default to targeting all genders, but you can limit targeting to only one gender if preferred. Underneath device targeting, choose “Limit targeting by gender” and select your preference. We’re able to understand gender by taking public signals users offer on Twitter, such as user profile names or the accounts she or he follows.

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  • Set your Tweet engagements campaign budget and bid
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    Set a total budget for your campaign and your daily maximum. You will never spend more than your total campaign budget, and on any given day you will never spend more than your daily maximum. It’s optional to set a total budget. If you want to generate engagements continuously, we suggest that you leave this field blank and set a daily budget to manage pacing.

    Set your maximum bid based on the business value you associate with each engagement. Your bid will determine both how many users you’re able to reach and your average CPE (cost per engagement). Your cost per engagement on Twitter is set by a second-price auction among other advertisers, and you’ll only ever pay slightly more than the next highest bidder. If you’re not sure what to bid, use the Suggested bid to make sure your campaign gains impressions. For more information, please see our Bidding and Auctions FAQ.

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  • Resources & best practices
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    The Tweets Playbook provides the best practices for getting your Tweet Engagements campaign up and running!

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