Daniel AndrewsVerified account


Premier of Victoria.

Melbourne, Australia
Joined December 2010
Born on July 06


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  1. Pinned Tweet

    Official Portrait of the Premier of Victoria. By Ruby, aged 7.

  2. Well, if you're Malcolm Turnbull, you do nothing. Because that's exactly what he's done. It's up to us to fill the gap. And we will. From May, every Victorian child under the age of five will have access to a free flu vaccine. Canberra might have failed the test, but we won't.

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  3. Here's a test for you all: You're the Prime Minister. Flu season is coming up. And even though there was a 350% increase in the number of Victorian kids hit by the flu, your national immunisation program doesn't include children. What do you do?

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  6. Now they've teamed up with the Greens in Parliament to try and stop the West Gate Tunnel, putting thousands of jobs at risk. But we won't let them shut these projects down. Because we're about getting things done.

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  7. Feb 20

    Level crossing removals – Liberals oppose them. Metro Tunnel – Liberals oppose it. North East Link – Liberals oppose it. West Gate Tunnel (sensing a pattern?) – Liberals oppose it. If we're building it, they'll oppose it.

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  8. Feb 19

    Why are more Victorians surviving heart attacks? 1: Ambos are arriving a minute faster. 2: Twice the no. of bystanders are prepared to perform CPR. 3: There are more defibrillators, including the 1000 we gave sports clubs. More people have saved a life than you think. Thank you.

  9. Some very smart engineers worked out how to do it while keeping all the current freeway lanes open during peak hour. I can't be more thankful for them and their massive brains. Work starts today.

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  10. It could've been a traffic disaster. Rebuilding the West Gate Freeway from the Ring Rd to the river – adding four extra lanes, and two massive tunnel entrances. Imagine the years and years of delays. But instead...

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  11. The gave voice to an unspeakable truth. We’ll keep making sure that truth is told. Heard. And acted upon. Thank you . You’ve saved thousands of lives.

  12. Feb 14

    Got the train today. Can you believe that Victorian workers built all this – including the train lines – in just 18 months? I've had pictures in my house I've been meaning to hang for longer than that. Three cheers for three more level crossings gone forever.

  13. Happy V/Linetine's Day. As a gift, we're building 87 new VLocity carriages. Love you.

  14. The boy from Warrandyte wins in Pyeongchang. Congratulations, . You've done your state and your country proud.

  15. Retweeted
    Feb 13

    Inspecting works on $395 million Line upgrade with hardworking colleagues ahead of

  16. The apology was just one chapter in our nation's history. A treaty with Aboriginal Victorians – the first of its kind anywhere in Australia – can be the next. And it will be Aboriginal Victorians leading this change every step of the way.

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  17. Today marks the 10th anniversary of the apology to the Stolen Generations. It's one of those moments in Australian history we'll carry with us forever. And it's a reminder of how far we've come – and how much work there still is to do.

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  18. Ten years ago today, we said sorry.

  19. . we will never forget Luke. And we will forever be grateful for the work you do in his memory.

  20. Feb 11

    Check it out. This is what a modern, efficient, level-crossing-free transport system looks like. Catch it for yourself on Thursday. The first train leaves Noble Park at 4.44am.


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