Dan AndrewsAkaun disahkan


Premier of Victoria.

Melbourne, Australia
Menyertai Disember 2010
Dilahirkan pada 06 Julai


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  1. 20 Dis

    To every single firefighter and first responder doing their utmost to keep us safe – thank you. I don't know where we'd be without you.

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  2. 20 Dis

    Since October this year, we've deployed more than 2,500 Victorian firefighters interstate to help. They've been working round the clock alongside local crews. Because we're all in this together – and we always will be.

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  3. 20 Dis

    Deputy Captain Geoffrey Keaton and brigade member Andrew O'Dwyer were both dads with young kids. My heart goes out to their loved ones and mates from the Horsley Park Rural Fire Brigade – many of whom are still out there fighting fires, with no time to grieve.

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  4. 20 Dis

    Volunteer fireys sacrifice so much to protect their communities. They often give up pay. Time with family and friends. They put their own safety on the line. And now, tragically, two volunteers from NSW have lost their lives.

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  5. 19 Dis

    Stay safe and look after yourself: - Listen to ABC Radio - Visit or call 1800 226 226 - Drink plenty of water, plan ahead, check in on elderly neighbours – and leave water outside for wildlife. More tips here:

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  6. 19 Dis

    Total fire ban for the whole state today.  No fires. No idiots. No exceptions.

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  7. 18 Dis

    Knock knock. Who's there? Your neighbour. Your neighbour who? There is no punchline. If you have an elderly neighbour, please check on them.

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  8. 17 Dis

    It's common sense. It's the right thing to do. And soon, it'll be against the law to leave pets in cars when the temperature hits 28 degrees.

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  9. 16 Dis

    This is terrifying to watch – but it's important It's part of a new fire safety campaign that'll be on your TV this week. It doesn't matter if you live in the bush, or the suburbs Have a plan, listen to warnings, don't take risks And most importantly, get out before you can't

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  10. 13 Dis

    Enough renewable energy to power more than 1.2 million homes. Over 2,000 jobs created. Safe to say – I'm a really big fan.

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  11. 11 Dis

    115k extra kids will enter Victorian schools over the next five years It's a big number, more than the MCG's capacity We've just announced round one of a $402M fund to help non-government schools keep up It includes $2M for these St Paul's students to upgrade their campus too

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  12. 9 Dis

    Goodbye to traffic jams and seven more level crossings. And hello to open community space, four brand new stations – and views right across the bay.

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  13. 3 Dis

    An apology is owed. It should be given. And if Tony Abbott won't, then I'll apologise on his behalf. To every victim retraumatised by this – I'm so sorry you had to go through it all over again.

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  14. 3 Dis

    This is absolutely shameful. "I'm just visiting a friend." If you want to go visiting convicted child sex offenders, surely you would think for a moment that this is bigger than you and him and your friendship.

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  15. Mengetweet Semula
    1 Dis

    Parents will be able to visit a neighbourhood house to have their child's car seat checked or fitted for FREE. Excited to be delivering this State Govt initiative with to help keep our youngest citizens safer on our roads.

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  16. 29 Nov

    Make no mistake – this will not be easy. It can't be be palmed off or patched over. And it won't be solved with empty words and half-measures. To fix our mental health system – to even call it a system at all. We have to listen. We have to take this seriously.

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  17. 29 Nov

    They'll be measured against genuine targets, and if they fail to make any real change, they'll be held accountable. Because our sons deserve what they earn. And our daughters deserve what they're owed.

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  18. 29 Nov

    No more turning a blind eye, no more tokenism and ticking boxes. No more waiting around for something to change. This week we announced reforms to give women equal rights, pay and opportunity. Universities, councils, courts and every other public employer will be included.

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  19. 28 Nov

    This is why we're holding a Royal Commission – and why we'll implement every single one of its recommendations. It won't be easy. It won't be cheap. And it will take time. But when the cost of failure is measured in human lives – we can't afford not to act.

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  20. 26 Nov

    We said we’d do it. And we have.

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