Jeremy Hill


Front End Web Developer working in Chicago, IL.

Chicago, IL
Gått med februari 2007


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    för 3 timmar sedan

    Strangers passing around glitter spray in line for the Ke$ha concert. This is the America I love 🇺🇸

  2. för 6 timmar sedan

    Look at this awesome show I’ll have a photo in on Friday! It’s official and everything! Come…

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    för 8 timmar sedan
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    Watch the Attorney fucking General be unsure whether his guidance means queer folks can be denied aid DURING AN EMERGENCY

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    17 okt.

    I weigh about as much as an oven on a plane, and will start describing my physique as such.

  6. Retweetade
    17 okt.

    A fine young gentleman just complimented me on my overalls by telling me they remind him of his food stamp days. 👍🏻

  7. Retweetade
    16 okt.

    I kept saying no. You didn’t listen. You cried. I FELT BAD.

  8. Retweetade
    16 okt.
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    14 okt.

    TV show I would watch: Tiny House Year Two

  10. Retweetade
    15 okt.

    Colin Kaepernick is from Milwaukee and is better than Hundley. Just saying.

  11. Retweetade
    13 okt.

    We are ORGASMIC to announce our debut album, TWURK FOR THE NATION, dropping 💫November 3rd, 2017💫. AYYYYE!!!! Here is our first official single, SCD. GET INTO IT!

  12. Retweetade
    11 okt.
  13. Retweetade
    9 okt.

    Women: This man is bad Men: You’re overreacting Women: Here’s proof Men: Why didn’t you tell us earlier, this is your fault

  14. Retweetade
    10 okt.

    Find a new way to describe the Weinstein story. Nothing about it is shocking.

  15. Retweetade
    9 okt.

    The best part about being a minority in 2017 is the constant reminder that asserting your humanity might offend advertisers.

  16. Retweetade
    10 okt.

    Ada Lovelace It's her day today. To all the girls in Do it. Do it now. Do all of it. Do as much as you can. Do it as long as you can.

  17. Retweetade
    9 okt.

    You do not have to "have a certain level of intelligence" to enjoy Rick and Morty.

  18. Retweetade
    9 okt.

    Seasonal reminder:

  19. Retweetade
    9 okt.

    I don't want to hear a peep about women liking pumpkin spice lattes after this Szechuan shit.

  20. Retweetade
    8 okt.

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