Toddler Development

Toddler Guide

This quarterly guide to your toddler's second year contains information, tips and useful contacts on your toddler's development between one and two years.

Got questions? Head over to the Essential Baby forums to chat with other parents and carers about anything to do with your toddler, including toilet training, food for babies and toddlers, allergies and intollerances and play & activities.


"She'll always be my baby, but she's fast outgrowing babyhood."

The last days of babyhood

The transformation's happened gradually, but it also seems like an overnight thing. My little baby isn't a little baby anymore.

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Photo: Getty Images

How to tell if your child has a speech or language problem

 Left untreated, children who start school with speech and language difficulties face an increased risk of reading and writing difficulties, more bullying, poorer peer relationships and less enjoyment of school. So, what should parents expect of children at different ages?

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Understanding what’s coming up for your toddler will help make the transition smoother for everyone.

From toddler to preschooler: a developmental roadmap

So your toddler is growing up and will soon be entering the preschooler years. Here are a few ways to frame their development that will help you understand what’s going in those beautiful, funny, clever little heads of theirs.

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swearing child

When good kids say bad words

“Oh, bugger!” exclaimed my three-year-old son. It was the start of conversations I knew we all needed to have.

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toddler sleep

Making the move from a cot to a bed

Transitioning from the cot to a "big kid" bed is a rite of passage for toddlers and their parents - but it can also become a battleground.

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