Toddler Development

Toddler Guide

This quarterly guide to your toddler's second year contains information, tips and useful contacts on your toddler's development between one and two years.

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Your toddler’s developmental roadmap

The toddler years are characterised by contradictions which can be hard to manage. But when you understand what's happening for your child, you can help them learn and have realistic expectations of their behaviour.

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child tantrum

8 things every parent needs to know about tantrums

Nothing joins parents in unity more than the tantrum; there’s the same fear in their eyes as they stare at their little one spinning uncontrollably in a frenzy. Not universal, however, is our expectations of these tantrums.

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Baby taking first steps

When will my baby walk? Advice from an expert

My one-year old daughter has not started talking or walking. My friend has a child about the same age who seems developmentally further ahead. Do you think there is something wrong with my daughter?

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getting dressed

The milestones I can't wait to celebrate

Nothing can beat the feeling of witnessing that first smile, first step and first word - but here's a list of 'firsts' I'm really looking forward to now.

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"She whines when she doesn't get her way, particularly when I've asked her to stop doing an activity she is enjoying"

Why kids whine - and what you can do about it

Most parents would probably agree that whining is one of the most irritating sounds known to mankind. But your kids aren't doing it just to annoy you - and there are constructive ways for you to respond.

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cry toddler

The makings of a toddler tantrum

Let me share with you, just from this week only, the apparently completely unreasonable behaviours I have expected of my child that have resulted in full on tantrums. Warning: low amounts of logic ahead.

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child begging

How to end the nagging

When kids want something, they'll ask ... and ask ... and ask ... until you cave in. You can teach them to unlearn this annoying tactic by saying just three words.

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