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Apprentice and Trainee Online Management (ATOM)

ATOM (Apprentice and Trainee Online Management) is an online management system developed by CeRDI for FedUni to manage training and related information for TAFE apprentices, trainees and general students.

ATOM website

ATOM website


ATOM (Apprentice and Trainee Online Management) is an online management system, initially developed by CeRDI for FedUni in 2012-2013, to provide VET (Vocational Education and Training) apprentices, trainees, employers and teachers with a secure, online tool for managing training plan and other related information for FedUni TAFE apprentices, trainees and general students.

Prior to the introduction of ATOM, the management of information for FedUni’s trainees and apprentices (including information about training plan contracts, contact schedules, apprentice attendance and competency confirmation) was paper-based, unwieldy and administratively complex. Currency of information was difficult to maintain and access to information by educators, trainees and apprentices was limited.

CeRDI was commissioned to develop a new online system. The result is an innovative and intuitive online management system that has been created to provide accurate and timely information, and enable stakeholders (employers, apprentices and educators) to remain informed about all aspects of educational and placement progress for apprentices and trainees. 


Implemented as a University-wide system, ATOM has significantly reduced the administrative complexities of the previous system to create an online knowledge management system that is functional, meets regulatory requirements and can be widely used by all stakeholders.

The low barrier to adoption, combined with the support of system champions, has been critical to the system achieving its compliance goals.

Users have rapidly adopted the system as an everyday business tool, allowing the training plan and attendance data to be current and have almost complete apprentice or student coverage.

The effective management of apprentice and trainee training plans is crucial to the university for regulatory compliance and auditing purposes, and the ATOM system has significantly reduced risk to the organisation in this area.


Small features that make everyday workflows simpler are key to ATOM’s usability.

One example is the 1 click grade confirmation for employers where the employer can confirm or reject an apprentice’s competence from an automated email.

Technical Features

The system is a PHP and MySQL application running on secure and stable university infrastructure.
The front end will be upgraded to use a responsive Bootstrap template in 2017.


CeRDI have worked closely with key stakeholders in the FedUni TAFE and VET area to tailor the ATOM application to meet their specific needs.

The continual communication has allowed the application to evolve and meet new requirements and expand to new areas.

Future Directions

CeRDI continue to work with the ATOM stakeholders on a strategic plan aimed at continually reducing compliance risk, general enhancements, and addressing new audit requirements and as they arise.

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    Paul Feely, Lead Developer
    Peter Plucinski, Development
    Sudeera Abeywickrema, Development
    Drew Collins, Development
    Heath Gillett, Development

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