- published: 23 Jan 2015
- views: 205035
Yasushi Akimoto (Japanese: 秋元 康, Hepburn: Akimoto Yasushi, born May 2, 1958) is a Japanese record producer, lyricist and television writer, best known for creating and producing some of Japan's top idol groups, Onyanko Club and the AKB48 franchise. Total sales of the singles he has written exceed 100 million copies, making him the best-selling lyricist in Japan.
Akimoto became a television writer in high school, he has produced many television programs, such as Utaban.
Akimoto started as a lyricist with The Alfee in 1981; he has written lyrics for various artists such as Kinki Kids, Tunnels, Onyanko Club, AKB48, SKE48, SDN48, NMB48, HKT48. He also wrote Hibari Misora's last single during her lifetime, "Kawa no Nagare no Yō ni", and Jero's debut single "Umi Yuki".
He debuted an Indonesian version of AKB48 called JKT48. Auditions were held on October 8 and 9, 2011 and the official members were announced early November.
He became a professor and vice president at Kyoto University of Art and Design.
秋元康 2013密着ドキュメント 1
中居のかけ算 小室哲哉 ×秋元康 ×中居正広
伊集院光 x 秋元康 「ラストアイドル」の裏側を語る 2017年12月13日
二宮和也 ✕ 秋元康 スペシャル対談(映画「ラストレシピ~麒麟の舌の記憶~」)
秋元康 2013密着ドキュメント 2
秋元康 林真理子 2014/02/03 ビストロŠḾÁP 上からマリコ熱唱 AKB48
秋元康がAKB48を語る 2
ALSアイスバケツチャレンジ(秋元康) / AKB48[公式]
秋元康 2013密着ドキュメント 4
HKT48 指原莉乃 徹底解剖スペシャル!(秋元康 乱入!! ゲスト:福田雄一、リリー・フランキー)AKB48のオールナイトニッポン 第219回 2014年08月06日 ラジオ A
秋元康 指原莉乃にブチ切れたエピソード披露
未来ビジョン #27 秋元康エンターテインメントを革新する ゲスト:作詞家 秋元康
2014年1月1日、正月特番・前半 後半はコチラ➡https://youtu.be/k2lzavCCwsQ 流行歌の100年・未来に残すべき100曲♪ 出演:久米 宏、秋元 康、近田 春夫 前半① お祭りマンボにはオチがある クレイジーキャッツのセンター? 「街鳴り」のする曲を作りたい 前半② 歌謡曲はキャラクター作り 17:37~ ギャップ論、阿久悠への崇拝 上の世代へのあこがれ 前半③ 北山修になりたかった 32:58~ 歌謡曲は世代論 ザ・ベストテンの構成者として
秋元康 林真理子 AKB番組出演情報 AKB48 SHOW AKBINGO 有吉AKB共和国 AKB48のあんた、誰? AKB子兎道場 びみょ~ 何もそこまで・・・ 乃木坂ってどこ? ネ申テレビ ショージキ将棋 SKE48 NMB48 HKT48 乃木坂46 ももクロ ももいろクローバーZ 私立恵比寿中学 モーニング娘 SUPER☆GIRLS ぱすぽ Berryz工房 E-Girls 卒業 公演 指原の乱 しゃべくり007 ナカイの窓 ゴッドタン エビフライデーナイト PON! ZIP CDTV マジすか学園 世界征服女子 Rの法則 ダウンタウンDX 今夜くらべてみました マジカルラジオ NOGIBINGO ミラクル9 アメトーーク 指原莉乃 前田敦子 大島優子 篠田麻里子 高橋みなみ 渡辺麻友 小嶋陽菜 柏木由紀 板野友美 島崎遥香 宮澤佐江 峯岸みなみ 川栄李奈 横山由依 松井玲奈 松井珠理奈 高柳明音 須田亜香里 秋元才加 河西智美 梅田彩佳 伊豆田莉奈 入山杏奈 岩田華怜 大島涼花 菊地あやか 小林茉里奈 佐藤すみれ 高橋朱里 田野優花 中塚智実 仲俣汐里 仁藤萌乃 松井咲子 森川彩香 阿部マリア 内田眞由美 北原里英 倉持明日香 小林香菜 佐藤亜美菜 島田晴香 鈴木紫帆里 近野莉菜 永尾まりや 中田ちさと 仲谷明香 藤田奈那 前田亜美 松原夏海 宮崎美穂 武藤十夢 石田晴香 市川美織 岩佐美咲 大場美奈 大家志津香 片山陽加 加藤玲奈 小嶋菜月 小森美果 竹内美宥 田名部生来 中村麻里子 名取稚菜 野中美郷 藤江れいな 山内鈴蘭 高城亜樹 仲川遥香 鈴木まりや 大森美優 佐々木優佳里 平田梨奈 江口愛実 相笠萌 岩立沙穂 梅田綾乃 岡田彩花 北澤早紀 篠崎彩奈 高島祐利奈 村山彩希 茂木忍 内山奈月 岡田奈々 小嶋真子 西野未姫 橋本耀 前田美月 小野恵令...
YouTubeで月額100万円以上 稼ぐ方法を無料でプレゼント▷︎ 【あなたの好きなビデオ(ペットやゲームの動画でも何でも. AKB48のオールナイトニッポン 第219回 2014年08月06日 HKT48 指原莉乃 徹底解剖スペシャル!(秋元康 乱入!! ゲスト:福田雄一、リリー・フランキー. ラジオ ニッポン放送 「AKB48のオールナイトニッポン」 第219回 2014年8月6日放送 パーソナリティ : HKT48 指原莉乃(TeamH / HKT48劇場支配人.AKB48のオ.
ゲスト:秋元康(作詞家) 数々のテレビ番組やアーティストへの作詞提供、アイドルグループのプロデュースなど、マルチな才能を持つ秋元康さんを迎え、アイデアの生み出し方や、活躍中のAKB48の未来像、また、秋元さんから見た今の日本について語っていただく。
Interviewed by Anna Coren.
Produce 101 x AKB48 PRODUCE48 2018 Coming Soon
Interviewed by Anna Coren A correction: In 11:22 Anna Coren wrongly said "Before you conceived AKB48 you came up with another girls group, Onyanko Club". Actually Mr. Akimoto only wrote some lyrics for Onyanko Club in the past, he didn't created or helped to create the group.
作詞:秋元 康 / 作曲 : 伊藤心太郎 / 編曲 : 武藤星児 「"恋チュン"踊れば、嫌なことも忘れられる」 本作は80年代ディスコ調のダンスナンバー! 懐かしいサウンドと心地良いリズムに思わず踊り出してしまうような楽曲です♪ 振り付け師はパパイヤ鈴木さん! 子供から大人まで、誰でも歌いながら楽しく踊れる覚えやすい振 り付けになっています。 MVではAKB48史上最多となる約4000人のエキストラと一緒に踊る 大パレードにも注目です! 2013.8.21 ON SALE!! 【MV】Koisuru Fortune Cookie (The Fall-in-Love Fortune Cookie) / AKB48[Official] Lyrics: Yasushi Akimoto / Composer: Shintaro Ito / Arranger: Seiji Muto “Dance to ‘Koi-chun’ and your worries will be forgotten” This is an 80’s discotheque dance number! The nostalgic sound and pleasant rhythm will make you want to get up and dance along♪ The choreographer is Papaya Suzuki! The choreography is kept simple so everyone from young children to adults can enjoy singing and dancing along. In the MV keep your eye out for the huge parade as AKB48 da...
As at any time easily video is seen, please subscribe with one click from the top ^^^^ 【Quote original image】 00:00:00.00 → ・Akimoto Yasushi - Wiki48 http://stage48.net/wiki/index.php/Akimoto_Yasushi 00:00:15.00 → ・The Man Who Made AKB48 - Japan Real Time - WSJ http://blogs.wsj.com/japanrealtime/2011/12/28/the-man-who-made-akb48/ 00:00:30.00 → ・Akimoto Yasushi - generasia http://www.generasia.com/wiki/Akimoto_Yasushi 00:00:45.00 → ・Yasushi Akimoto - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yasushi_Akimoto 00:01:00.00 → ・Petition ・ NO TO YASUSHI AKIMOTO ・ Change.org https://www.change.org/p/no-to-yasushi-akimoto 00:01:15.00 → ・Yasushi Akimoto (Author of One Missed Call 1 + 2) http://www.goodreads.com/author/show/1134717.Yasushi_Akimoto 00:01:30.00 → ・Talk Asia...
2017.11.18 BNK48 Mini Live and Handshake 〜Mini Concert〜 @ J.J Mall 『Koisuru Fortune Cookie –คุกกี้เสี่ยงทาย–』 Lyrics: Yasushi Akimoto Music: Shintaro Ito Arrangement: Seiji Muto Thai Lyrics Arrangement: Tanupop Notayanont Cherprang Areekul (Cherprang), Isarapa Thawatpakdee (Tarwaan), Jennis Oprasert (Jennis), Jetsupa Kruetang (Jan), Jiradapa Intajak (Pupe), Kanteera Wadcharathadsanakul (Noey), Milin Dokthian (Namneung), Miori Ohkubo (Miori), Natruja Chutiwansopon (Kaew), Patchanan Jiajirachote (Orn), Pimrapat Phadungwatanachok (Mobile), Praewa Suthamphong (Music), Punsikorn Tiyakorn (Pun), Rina Izuta (Izurina), Sawitchaya Kajonrungsilp (Satchan), Warattaya Deesomlert (Kaimook) BNK48 Official Facebook : www.facebook.com/bnk48official BNK48 Official Twitter : www.twitter.com/bnk48officia...
作詞 : 秋元 康 / 作曲 : 川浦正大 / 編曲 : 野中“まさ”雄一 AKB48 49th Maxi Single「#好きなんだ」Type E 収録曲。 『ギブアップはしない』 豆腐プロレス楽曲 チェリー宮脇 / ロングスピーチ横山 / パッパラー木﨑 / キューティーレナッチ / サックス古畑 / ハリウッドJURINA / ユンボ島田 / 道頓堀白間 / ブラックベリー向井地 2017.8.30.ON SALE Type E https://goo.gl/J9vrnG ------------------------ AKB48 Official Site http://www.akb48.co.jp/ KING RECORDS OFFICIAL SITE http://goo.gl/qhQbBG ------------------------ 【MV full】Give Up wa Shinai (Won’t Give Up) / AKB48[Official] Lyrics : Yasushi Akimoto / Music : Masahiro Kawaura / Arrangement : Yuichi “Masa” Nonaka Recorded in Type E of AKB48 49th Maxi Single「#Sukinanda (#I like you)」 『Give Up wa Shinai (Won’t Give Up)』 Tofu Pro Wrestling Song Cherry Miyawaki / Long Speech Yokoyama / Pappara Kizaki / Cutie Renacchi / Sax Furuhata / Hollywood JURINA / Yumbo Shi...
Jane Doe DVD Type C - Solo Debut Commemorative Talk - Takahashi Minami x Akimoto Yasushi - 2nd Single Lyrics Meeting Support Takamina by buying her single HMV Type A : http://www.hmv.co.jp/en/artist_Minami-Takahashi_000000000442368/item_Jane-Doe-DVD-Type-A_5352635 Type B : http://www.hmv.co.jp/en/artist_Minami-Takahashi_000000000442368/item_Jane-Doe-DVD-Type-B_5352636 Type C : http://www.hmv.co.jp/en/artist_Minami-Takahashi_000000000442368/item_Jane-Doe-DVD-Type-C_5352638 CDJapan Type A : http://www.cdjapan.co.jp/detailview.html?KEY=UPCH-80309 Type B : http://www.cdjapan.co.jp/detailview.html?KEY=UPCH-80310 Type C : http://www.cdjapan.co.jp/detailview.html?KEY=UPCH-80311
Not pure HD, just upscaling from 576p to boost it's bitrate..
Nurse Angel Ririka SOS Episodes 1 - 5 Eng Sub Nurse Angel Ririka SOS (ナースエンジェルりりかSOS Nāsu Enjeru Ririka EsuŌEsu?) is a Japanese shōjo manga series created by music producer and television writer Yasushi Akimoto and manga creator Koi Ikeno. The manga was serialized in Ribon Magazine from January 1995 to June 1996, and subsequently collected into four bound volumes published by Shueisha. The story follows Ririka Moriya, an elementary school student who receives the power to transform into the legendary guardian, Nurse Angel. As Nurse Angel, she is the only person capable of protecting the Earth from world-destroying invaders.
Nurse Angel Ririka SOS (ナースエンジェルりりかSOS) Episodes 11 -15 Eng Sub Nurse Angel Ririka SOS (ナースエンジェルりりかSOS Nāsu Enjeru Ririka EsuŌEsu?) is a Japanese shōjo manga series created by music producer and television writer Yasushi Akimoto and manga creator Koi Ikeno. The manga was serialized in Ribon Magazine from January 1995 to June 1996, and subsequently collected into four bound volumes published by Shueisha. The story follows Ririka Moriya, an elementary school student who receives the power to transform into the legendary guardian, Nurse Angel. As Nurse Angel, she is the only person capable of protecting the Earth from world-destroying invaders.
Nogizaka46 (乃木坂46, Nogizaka Forty-six) is a Japanese female idol group produced by Yasushi Akimoto, built as the official rival (公式ライバル kōshiki raibaru) of the group AKB48. Nogizaka46 was named after the place where the SME Nogizaka Building, which houses Sony Music Japan’s office, is located in. Their producer Yasushi Akimoto also said that the number "46" was chosen as a direct challenge to AKB48. On August 21, 2015, their associated group Keyakizaka46 was established
Nogizaka46 (乃木坂46, Nogizaka Forty-six) is a Japanese female idol group produced by Yasushi Akimoto, built as the official rival (公式ライバル kōshiki raibaru) of the group AKB48. Nogizaka46 was named after the place where the SME Nogizaka Building, which houses Sony Music Japan’s office, is located in. Their producer Yasushi Akimoto also said that the number "46" was chosen as a direct challenge to AKB48. On August 21, 2015, their associated group Keyakizaka46 was established
Nogizaka46 (乃木坂46, Nogizaka Forty-six) is a Japanese female idol group produced by Yasushi Akimoto, built as the official rival (公式ライバル kōshiki raibaru) of the group AKB48. Nogizaka46 was named after the place where the SME Nogizaka Building, which houses Sony Music Japan’s office, is located in. Their producer Yasushi Akimoto also said that the number "46" was chosen as a direct challenge to AKB48. On August 21, 2015, their associated group Keyakizaka46 was established
Broccoli Battle - Michiba vs. Jo This challenger is known as The God of Sauces. Doc Hattori says his sauces are amazing. He even says he wishes he could take on all three Iron Chefs at once. Can he defeat one? Judges: Mayuko Takata (Actress), Toshiki Kaifu (Fmr PM-Japan), Sachiyo Kaifu (Wife), Yasushi Akimoto Iron Chef: Iron Chef Japanese Rokusaburo Michiba Theme Ingredient: Broccoli Challenger: Etsuo Jo 5/26/1995 Iron Chef Japan - Broccoli Battle
SKE48 was founded based on the concept of "idols you can meet". The group's chief producer Yasushi Akimoto once said that his aim was to create an idol group that is unlike any other ordinary idol groups which only give occasional concerts and mostly seen on TV; SKE48 would perform in its own theater regularly, and the fans would always be able to watch the girls performing live. The SKE48 Theater is located in the Sunshine Sakae of Nagoya, Aichi. Members of this group are dispatched into three teams, chronologically named "Team S", "Team KII" and "Team E". Kenkyūsei (trainees) is the group of members training to be promoted into one of these teams.
(ナースエンジェルりりかSOS Nāsu Enjeru Ririka EsuŌEsu?) is a Japanese shōjo manga series created by music producer and television writer Yasushi Akimoto and manga creator Koi Ikeno. The manga was serialized in Ribon Magazine from January 1995 to June 1996, and subsequently collected into four bound volumes published by Shueisha. The story follows Ririka Moriya, an elementary school student who receives the power to transform into the legendary guardian, Nurse Angel. As Nurse Angel, she is the only person capable of protecting the Earth from world-destroying invaders.
『Aitakatta (อยากจะได้พบเธอ)』 Lyrics: Yasushi Akimoto Music: BOUNCEBACK Arrangement: Tomonari Taguchi / Haruo Inatome Thai Lyrics Arrangement: Nattapon Srijomkwan / Pongchuk Pissathanporn Cherprang Areekul (Cherprang), Christin Larsen (Namhom), Isarapa Thawatpakdee (Tarwaan), Jennis Oprasert (Jennis), Jetsupa Kruetang (Jan), Kanteera Wadcharathadsanakul (Noey), Milin Dokthian (Namneung), Miori Ohkubo (Miori), Napaphat Worraphuttanon (Jaa), Natruja Chutiwansopon (Kaew), Nayika Srinian (Can), Patchanan Jiajirachote (Orn), Praewa Suthamphong (Music), Punsikorn Tiyakorn (Pun), Sawitchaya Kajonrungsilp (Satchan), Warattaya Deesomlert (Kaimook) BNK48 Official Facebook : www.facebook.com/bnk48official BNK48 Official Instagram : www.instagram.com/bnk48 BNK48 Official Website : www.bnk48.com
Nogizaka46 (乃木坂46, Nogizaka Forty-six) is a Japanese female idol group produced by Yasushi Akimoto, built as the official rival (公式ライバル kōshiki raibaru) of the group AKB48. Nogizaka46 was named after the place where the SME Nogizaka Building, which houses Sony Music Japan’s office, is located in. Their producer Yasushi Akimoto also said that the number "46" was chosen as a direct challenge to AKB48. On August 21, 2015, their associated group Keyakizaka46 was established
Nogizaka46 (乃木坂46, Nogizaka Forty-six) is a Japanese female idol group produced by Yasushi Akimoto, built as the official rival (公式ライバル kōshiki raibaru) of the group AKB48. Nogizaka46 was named after the place where the SME Nogizaka Building, which houses Sony Music Japan’s office, is located in. Their producer Yasushi Akimoto also said that the number "46" was chosen as a direct challenge to AKB48. On August 21, 2015, their associated group Keyakizaka46 was established
SKE48 was founded based on the concept of "idols you can meet". The group's chief producer Yasushi Akimoto once said that his aim was to create an idol group that is unlike any other ordinary idol groups which only give occasional concerts and mostly seen on TV; SKE48 would perform in its own theater regularly, and the fans would always be able to watch the girls performing live. The SKE48 Theater is located in the Sunshine Sakae of Nagoya, Aichi. Members of this group are dispatched into three teams, chronologically named "Team S", "Team KII" and "Team E". Kenkyūsei (trainees) is the group of members training to be promoted into one of these teams.
Interviewed by Anna Coren.
Interviewed by Anna Coren A correction: In 11:22 Anna Coren wrongly said "Before you conceived AKB48 you came up with another girls group, Onyanko Club". Actually Mr. Akimoto only wrote some lyrics for Onyanko Club in the past, he didn't created or helped to create the group.
Produce 101 x AKB48 PRODUCE48 2018 Coming Soon
As at any time easily video is seen, please subscribe with one click from the top ^^^^ 【Quote original image】 00:00:00.00 → ・Akimoto Yasushi - Wiki48 http://stage48.net/wiki/index.php/Akimoto_Yasushi 00:00:15.00 → ・The Man Who Made AKB48 - Japan Real Time - WSJ http://blogs.wsj.com/japanrealtime/2011/12/28/the-man-who-made-akb48/ 00:00:30.00 → ・Akimoto Yasushi - generasia http://www.generasia.com/wiki/Akimoto_Yasushi 00:00:45.00 → ・Yasushi Akimoto - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yasushi_Akimoto 00:01:00.00 → ・Petition ・ NO TO YASUSHI AKIMOTO ・ Change.org https://www.change.org/p/no-to-yasushi-akimoto 00:01:15.00 → ・Yasushi Akimoto (Author of One Missed Call 1 + 2) http://www.goodreads.com/author/show/1134717.Yasushi_Akimoto 00:01:30.00 → ・Talk Asia...
On Doubt in Creative Processes: Become a Patron now: https://www.patreon.com/on_doubt This project publishes long-form interviews with creative minds of all fields. Here's a trailer of such an interview, with Ellen Akimoto (www.ellenakimoto.com) - a painter from California, who settled in Leipzig to focus her painting studies. The interview was done in summer 2017. In this clip, Ellen talks about how her move from California to Leipzig changed the way she could think about her work: instead of having justify media-based decisions, she could start thinking about how to make the best work in the medium she wants to use. In the interview, Ellen talked a lot about media-based aspects of her craft - she's a smart and witty person to discuss painting with. Her work mixes a lot of formal deci...
On the day the full squad arrives in Japan, we talk to coach Ramon Tribulietx to get a picture of what lies ahead for the navy blues heading into the FIFA Club World Cup Japan 2015.
For metadata, translation, and similar content, visit http://ohla.info/war-memories-intergenerational-intercultural-oral-history-project/
[buzz KOREA Campaign] This is the interview with AKB48 backstage at the Asia Song Festival. For more details, visit http://www.buzz-korea.com