Tarek FatahVerifizierter Account


Author, 'Tragic Illusion of an Islamic State' (Wiley). 'The Jew is Not My Enemy' (McClelland). Fellow, Middle East Forum. Columnist, Toronto Sun.

Toronto, Ontario
Beigetreten November 2008
Geboren am 20. November 1949


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  1. vor 53 Minuten

    Gang of Black girls in Britain beats an 18-year old Arab girl to death, but police say it was not a hate crime.

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    According to media in Turkey a Turkish flag is flying in the center of Afrin. Not a Syrian flag. Not a Kurdish flag. A Turkish flag.

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  3. hat retweetet
    vor 2 Stunden

    Italian politician says Pakistanis posing as political refugees may include terrorists.

    , , und 6 weitere
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  4. hat retweetet

    Yes he made sure Hindu population in Pakistan dropped to 2%. Ahmedias got declared non Muslims. Shias got targeted & from day one started sucking up to big powers with a begging bowl, a tradition carried on wonderfully till date.

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  5. hat retweetet
    vor 6 Stunden

    I was in India as well, & were active in d leftist, student movement! Longowal agreement was something reached between Cong-I govt. & Moderate Section of Akali Dal, Far From Perfect, But much better than what Birandwale wanted, thus supported by Left.

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  6. hat retweetet
    vor 5 Stunden

    Well One US General Tells the Truth, when the NATO Gen. Sec. Does not know that the reason Turkey is attacking is due to the fact, Kurds fought against and Al Qaeda, both are Erdogan allies in his ethnic cleansing in ,

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  7. vor 4 Stunden

    Shame on you . You and your have blood on your hands as 's plays you Iike a puppet on a string. Coward, you and are now directly implicated in the of by Turkey’s military invasion of .

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  8. vor 11 Stunden

    Who is ? Here he is in 2011 running for the to give better representation to his 'community' in Canada's parliament.

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  9. vor 11 Stunden
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  10. hat retweetet
    15. März

    So much for . has laid bare his true self in attacking for speaking out against Sikh terrorism. It’s time the showed the moral fortitude to demand better from their leader.

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  11. hat retweetet
    vor 13 Stunden
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  12. hat retweetet
    vor 13 Stunden

    I think, right now there are as many trolls on , all working in defense of , as there are ones.🤔

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  13. hat retweetet
    vor 21 Stunden
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  14. hat retweetet
    vor 13 Stunden

    "If they () find me, they'll kill me" They found him and it is the 5th year that he was abducted since then there is no news of him. !!!

    Diese Medien könnten sensibles Material enthalten. Mehr erfahren
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  15. vor 14 Stunden

    NDP leader says, despite criticism, he will attend future anti-India, Sikh-separatist events

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  16. hat retweetet
    16. März
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  17. hat retweetet
    16. März

    children are treated like ANIMALS in Islamic Republic of Pakistan🇵🇰. You can see in this video that this Pakistani police officer is throwing a Christian girl violently. This is very recent & Christians have to face situations like this everyday.

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  18. hat retweetet
    17. März

    If Hindu and Muslim unite, India will become strong all the more - Subramaniam Swamy

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  19. hat retweetet
    16. März

    La femme de Raïf Badawi fait appel à la «bonté» de Justin Trudeau

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  20. hat retweetet
    vor 22 Stunden

    Italian politician says posing as political refugees in may include terrorists. Member of European Parliament from Naples condemns Islamabad's persecution of , genocide in and youth.

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