V. Krishna Ananth


Teacher, traveller, writer....and now on twitter.

Gangtok, Sikkim
Дата приєднання: червень 2012


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  1. ретвітнув(ла)
    13 груд.
  2. ретвітнув(ла)
    13 груд.

    "The care and concern lavished on the detenus by the State is almost maternal." - ADM Jabalpur v Shivakant Shukla 1976 SC.

  3. ретвітнув(ла)
    13 груд.

    Fascist, and right wing xenophobes capturing electoral victory is never a reason for the left to become more centrist or fashion itself as right wing lite. The answer is still — Educate. Agitate. Organize.

  4. ретвітнув(ла)
    13 груд.

    A bit of a telling political statement from my favourite brat (okay, second favourite after my son Ved!)

  5. 6 груд.

    None were pleased, in April 1973, when the majority concurred with the Basic Structure Doctrine; it was indeed a sound doctrine in my view. Here is one more instance of why none from the political classes were pleased then. All of them want a handmaiden constitution

  6. ретвітнув(ла)
    5 груд.

    Listen to this girl translating speech to Malayalam. Well done.

  7. ретвітнув(ла)
    5 груд.

    Imarti Devi has reintroduced eggs in MP’s midday meals. Reason enough for her to be targeted by those who want to impose their dietary and religious beliefs on poor children.

  8. 5 груд.

    It only adds weight to the adage, which Justice O Chinnappa Reddy held as the title of his excellent book: SUPREME BUT NOT INFALLIBLE

  9. ретвітнув(ла)
    4 груд.

    Bajaj sugar mills is connected to Rahul Bajaj in the same way that perhaps Lala Lajpat Rai is connected to Aishwarya Rai 😊

  10. ретвітнув(ла)
    4 груд.

    Nirmala Sitharaman doesn't care about the economy because she doesn't travel economy class.

  11. ретвітнув(ла)
    5 груд.
  12. ретвітнув(ла)
    3 груд.

    We the people of Kailasa, having solemnly constituted ourselves into.a godman republic, hereby give the Me inside Me to Me that is not Me.

  13. 4 груд.

    Nityananda setting up a 'nation' called Kailaasa makes me rethink my formulations on Renan's idea of nation as an act of everyday plebiscite. I used to tell my class that it's not consistent. But Nityananda has proved Renan right

  14. 4 груд.

    Hearing the 'nation' that one chap has set up, I ought to revisit my lectures on problems with Ernst Renan's idea of nation as an act of everyday plebiscite... also on J.G.Fichte's formulation on nations. I owe an explanation to students whom I taught this in the past few years

  15. 4 груд.

    True. But rather than asking the Congress to talk about economy, the media ought to foreground this through their SHOWS. Who is stopping you

  16. ретвітнув(ла)
    3 груд.

    In JNU, noone takes attendence, Classes are full: Students are implementing a strike & classes have been shut for sometime.But outside JNU's classrooms,under its trees, some of the best minds of our nation are lecturing students.This lecture is on "Public Education & Development"

  17. 3 груд.

    But she too DID NOT allow the opposition benches to speak while being the Speaker. And I suppose a Speaker, once elected to that august office, DOES NOT belong to her/his party. Learnt this from Somnath da

  18. ретвітнув(ла)
    3 груд.

    By withdrawing police cases against Aarey and Nanar refinery protesters has sent right message. Now he should review the entire Bhima-Koregaon episode. government had harassed genuine activists in this case.

  19. 3 груд.

    Not just to beat the left trade unions; sena also helped beat George Fernandes (giant killer of 1967) who defeated SKPatil, the then Cong moneybag and later Datta Samant, the giant unionist. Dipankar Gupta's PhD thesis later turned into a book deals with some of these

  20. 2 груд.

    Am pretty much disturbed... well. Found solace, peace and reprieve here


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