


Gregory Peck as Atticus Finch in the film version of To Kill a Mockingbird.

Harper Lee's estate sues over reworked Mockingbird

One of the year's most anticipated Broadway plays - the screenwriter Aaron Sorkin's adaptation of Harper Lee's novel To Kill a Mockingbird - faces a legal challenge from Lee's estate, which is suing over Sorkin's version of the story.


Kate Champion, choreographer for Opera Australia's La Boheme: factoring in rain, party boats, bats and anxious opera singers.

Choreographer keeps it authentic

Kate Champion is allowing for rain, passing party boats, bats and petrified opera singers as she choreographs Opera Australia's latest harbourside production, La Boheme.



Nicole Car commanded the stage from the outset.

Nicole Car triumphs with Traviata debut

Nicole Car's debut as Violetta in Elijah Moshinsky's classic 1994 production of La Traviata is a significant rite of passage in her auspicious career trajectory.
