ACT News


Skyfire 2018: fireworks, music and a 30th birthday to celebrate

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There's a few people around town hoping Saturday night's Skyfire 2018 goes off with a bang, none moreso than HIT104.7's head of production Adam Jansen.

Jansen is the man responsible for putting together the soundtrack for the fireworks display, tasked with the feat of putting together at least 18 minutes worth of music that both complements the display but also drives it.

"The first thing to do is figure out which songs you want to use," he says.

"As the soundtrack is made a couple of months in advance it's kind of hard to use songs that are super current when March comes around.

"So a lot of it is picking a mixture of songs you haven't used before, songs that work well with fireworks, songs that are popular with our listeners at the time, songs that cut well together - things you can do bit of a mash up with."

What makes a song go well with fireworks?


"Sometimes it's the obvious lyrics, like Katy Perry's Firework or Jessie J's Bang Bang, those sort of ones and then there's ones with a nice beat, or something where you can picture the way the crackers might go off."

The type of fireworks used by Fortunato Foti and his team at Foti International Fireworks might also dictate what songs are chosen. But usually Jansen just hands the soundtrack over about six weeks ahead of time and leaves the fireworks team to it.

"The first one I did back in 2013 they had fireworks shaped like hands and feet so we put Footloose and Put Your Hands Up," Jansen says.

"There's been love heart shaped fireworks too, so you might go with something romantic, an Ed Sheeran song, something lovey dovey.

"If it's a St Patrick's day thing, like we have this year, then you might pick a song that works well with that."

Hang on, did Jansen just give something away? The Skyfire soundtrack is always kept secret even though it's compiled months before the actual event. Is there a theme this year?

"No so much a theme," he says. "Given it's the 30th anniversary of Skyfire I went with some older songs, celebrating some of the songs we've used over the years.

"I won't be giving out specific songs, just expect some old school hits."

Jansen is unsure what was in the first ever Skyfire soundtrack.

"Given it was 1989 and we were a rock station back then, I'm going to guess there was some AC/DC in it," he says.

He did have access to soundtracks as far back as 2005 and some of them brought back great memories.

"I remember going to Skyfire as a kid and a teenager," he says. "I started working here in 2003 and we always get along.

"It was fun to listen to some of the old soundtracks and see what was around. I can't believe I put Gangnam style in there one year."


Best places to watch

The fireworks kick off about 8.30pm but the entertainment will be pumping from Regatta Point from 5.30pm. There'll be a display from the Federation Guard on Rond Terrace at 6.05pm and 6.35pm.

The RAAF Roulettes will marvel at 6.12pm with a jet handling display and fly-by at 6.55pm.

The band Potbelleez will rock out at 7.45pm before the Federation Guard Guns countdown the start at 8.30pm.

The key is to arrive early to secure your spot.

If the crowds and noise aren't your cup of tea though, there are a couple of other vantage where you can enjoy the show from, including Mount Ainslie and Black Mountain.

The views from the Australian War Memorial and Anzac Parade also promise to be spectacular, as do those from the National Library and even New Acton.

You can listen to the synchronised music either at Regatta Point or through your radio via HIT104.7.

How to get there

By car

If you're driving to Skyfire, be mindful that there are a couple of new road closures in place this year.

Parkes Way will be closed westbound between Kings Avenue and Commonwealth Ave on ramp from 6am to 11pm on Saturday.

Parkes Way will also be closed eastbound between Corranderk Street and Kings Avenue between 2pm and 11pm.

For full details of road closures head to

Where to park

Drivers are encouraged to use Transport Canberra's Park & Ride facilities. For a list of locations visit

Limited parking will be available at the Russell precinct and off Constitution Avenue including Anzac Park East and West, Reid CIT, Civic Pool and Capital Hill car parks. Parking is also available within the parliamentary zone.

A word of warning though if you're tempted to park in an 'unofficial' space - it is an offence to park on footpaths, grassed and landscaped areas and inspectors will be out in force.

Skyfire 2016 photographed from Mt Ainslie.

Skyfire 2016 photographed from Mt Ainslie. Photo: Rohan Thomson

By bus

Transport Canberra will be running additional services to get you to either the Albert Hall or Regatta Point bus stop on Commonwealth Avenue.

The best way to get there from Belconnen, City, Woden and Tuggeranong is to catch the Blue Rapid 300, with services running every 15 minutes or better.

From Gungahlin catch a Red Rapid 200, 956 or 958 to the City and connect to a Blue Rapid 300 from City Platform 1.

For all services regular fares apply.

HIT104.7, in conjunction with Transport Canberra, will be providing free return services to major bus stations including City, Belconnen, Gungahlin, Woden and Tuggeranong from both the Regatta Point bus stops on Commonwealth Avenue and the bus stops on Commonwealth Avenue (Albert Hall).

Services depart regularly following the reworks event.

Family time

The Family Fun Zone is back on at Patrick White Lawns. There will be jumping castles, obstacle courses and much more.

Pets and Skyfire

Provide access to a safe area where your pet may feel more at ease. Animals usually indicate their preferences such as under a bed or inside a wardrobe. Allow it to go where it wants to feel safe. Close bird cages, rabbit hutches and other fixed enclosures and ensure the pet door and windows are closed and locked.

Do not punish your pet for exhibiting his behaviour during times of stress.

Attempt to engage, distract and reassure your pet that everything is okay, but don't "force" this if it becomes particularly distressed.

Make sure that your boundary fences and gates are secure and that your pet cannot readily escape through them or over them if they do get out..


Saturday looks to be a warm one, reaching a top of 32 degrees. Come sundown it will get cooler, with a low of 14 predicted. There's only a 5 percent chance of rain with light winds during the evening. So it looks like perfect conditions.