TOTW: Therapy

  • Posted on: 11 March 2018
  • By: thecollective

Are most anarchists hostile to therapy, mainstream or otherwise? In Against the Logic of Submission (under the heading Revolt Not Therapy), Wolfi Landstreicher writes: “Freedom belongs to the individual — this is a basic anarchist principle — and as such resides in individual responsibility to oneself and in free association with others. Thus, there can be no obligations, no debts, only choices of how to act. The therapeutic approach to social problems is the very opposite of this.. Basing itself in the idea that we are crippled rather than chained, inherently weak rather than held down, it imposes an obligatory interdependence, a mutuality of incapacity, rather than a sharing of strengths and capabilities.”

[Bogotá, Colombia] Riots around Universidad Pedagogica blockade the financial district for four hours

  • Posted on: 14 March 2018
  • By: thecollective

On Tuesday, March 6th, in Bogotá, Colombia, two explosions burst during the quiet of the lessons. In between the fully painted walls of this eternally leftist university, located in the middle of a financial district, the students playing on the sports field turn their heads in all directions. The sound of chattering suddenly vanishes. It is 10:30 AM and the gatekeepers put their backpacks on and immediately leave the scene. Rapidly, a small group of hooded people meets the crowd, without talking. In a kind of dancing manner, without much useless noises, the students peacefully leave the playground and the encapuchadxs progressively take their place. It is quickly possible to count as many as 50 of them, now facing the stone benches.

Anarchists from across the Balkans clash with Greek police

  • Posted on: 14 March 2018
  • By: thecollective

THESSALONIKI, Greece — Anarchists and riot police have clashed in Greece after some 2,000 protesters from across the Balkans marched in the northern city of Thessaloniki against nationalism.

Police used tear gas and threw stun grenades at the anarchists, who also barricaded themselves at the University of Thessaloniki. Police are prohibited by law from entering the campus to make arrests.

Philadelphia, PA: Freight Train Traffic Disrupted by Anarchists

  • Posted on: 13 March 2018
  • By: thecollective

Taking inspiration from Olympia Stand, we disrupted freight train traffic using copper wire. We did this three times over the last 30 days. Since hearing of the blockade we felt the need to act in solidarity and we know it was a while ago but time is a scam!!!!!

Obviously we took this action because we hate the economy, money, and the things that keep capitalism moving! We want to fuck with its flow with whatever means we had.

Portland, OR: Anarchists Organize in Face of Arsonist Attacking People Living on the Street

  • Posted on: 13 March 2018
  • By: thecollective

The houseless community in Portland is under constant attack but to add to the collective stress an arsonist has been attacking and threatening camps and RVs across the city. This comes on the heels of NIMBY outrage over a proposed shelter that would help hundreds of folks receive aid and shelter. These attacks on the most vulnerable folks in our communities cannot and will not go unchallenged.


Review: Anarchists Never Surrender by Victor Serge

  • Posted on: 13 March 2018
  • By: thecollective

This book is a collection of new translations of articles by Victor Serge (1890-1947). Born of Russian anti-Tsarist exiles in Belgium, Serge is of note for his odyssey from anarchism to Bolshevism, then from Trotskyism to some kind of libertarian Marxism. He is regularly trotted out by Leninists when anarchist influence is on the rise or when Bolshevik tyranny needs to be justified, usually in regard to the crushing of the Kronstadt revolt of 1921. The lesson is clear – Serge came to recognise the limitations of anarchism so follow his lead.

Brazil 2016-17: The Political Crisis and Coup d’État

  • Posted on: 12 March 2018
  • By: thecollective

From CrimethInc.
An Anarchist Analysis

After a groundswell of anarchist and autonomous protest in 2013, Brazil experienced a right-wing reaction that culminated with the impeachment of President Dilma Rousseff of the Workers Party (PT). The events in Brazil offer an instructive case study of phenomena that are prevalent elsewhere around the world—indeed, the United States might have experienced something similar had Hillary Clinton been elected. Looking at Brazil, we can identify the dangers of premising social movements on presenting demands to the authorities; we can see how the discourse of “fighting corruption” serves right-wing forces jockeying with left parties to hold state power, while legitimizing the function of the government itself; we can study how right-wing groups appropriate the tactical innovations of anarchist movements, and explore ways to defend ourselves against this. Above all, in a time when left and right parties are engaged in increasingly pitched struggles for control of the state, we have to carve out space for social movements that reject the state itself, resisting the attempts of all parties to manipulate or subordinate us. The Brazilian example offers an important reference point for the challenges and opportunities that face us today.

The ZAD Will Survive

  • Posted on: 12 March 2018
  • By: thecollective

“There will be no airport at Notre-Dame-des-Landes”—we’ve said it so often, a way of demonstrating our stubbornness and of transforming it into a prophecy. On the 17th of January, the statement was scrawled as headlines across an entire country. Today it seems such a simple phrase, but one that signifies an historic event without parallel in the last 40 years: the first major political victory of an entire generation. Our present is so bereft of wins, one would have to go all the way back to the Larzac [1] peasants’ struggle to find an equivalent. Yet even this would make a poor comparison, since today’s victory was won against a succession of hostile governments, without a single politician ever having subsumed the abandonment of the airport within their own agenda.
