AUT's Diverse Student Communities

AUT is a vibrant and diverse university which recognises that success is not defined by gender, gender identity, socio-economic backgrounds, ethnicity or disability. We are committed to building a safe, positive, and inclusive work and study environment characterised by the free exchange of diverse ideas, skills and cultural perspectives.
AUT defines diversity as understanding, respect and embracing the uniqueness that results from differences in gender, sexuality, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, marital status, age, disability, religious and ethical beliefs or political opinions. We celebrate diversity not as an end in itself but as a means by which AUT can enable staff and students from diverse backgrounds to:
  • Feel a sense of belonging
  • Achieve positive educational outcomes
  • Gain access to employment opportunities
  • Fulfil their potential as global citizens.

Click on the community that is most relevant to you and your needs.

Last updated: 06-Dec-2017 1.25pm

The information on this page was correct at time of publication. For a comprehensive overview of AUT qualifications, please refer to the Academic Calendar.