Diversity at AUT

AUT is a vibrant and diverse university that recognises that success is not defined by gender, gender identity, socio-economic backgrounds, ethnicity or disability. We are committed to building a safe, positive, and inclusive higher learning environment characterised by the free exchange of diverse ideas, skills and cultural perspectives.

Infographic Diversity at AUT

New University Director of Diversity: Professor Edwina Pio

Diversity Director Edwina Pio

AUT was the first New Zealand university to appoint a Professor of Diversity, Dr Edwina Pio. This year, Edwina’s appointment as University Director of Diversity signals another first in AUT’s strong commitment and actions in the diversity arena. In the new role, Edwina will work to enhance effectiveness and understanding in the crucial areas of advancing diversity and inclusiveness for extensive, vibrant and dynamic relationships with stakeholders.

In the media: Professor Edwina Pio on diversity issues

Find out more about diversity at AUT

Last updated: 21-Sep-2017 3.30pm

The information on this page was correct at time of publication. For a comprehensive overview of AUT qualifications, please refer to the Academic Calendar.