Federal Politics

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull has received no credit for the attempt he made to control the Barnaby Joyce situation.

Our government is a Mexican telenovela

The Prime Minister has lost an extraordinary amount of skin for a scandal that is not his and leads a government that looks chaotic and self-absorbed.

Andrew Leigh during question time in Parliament House.

Meet the MP who actually wants to know what works

Politicians are forever promising programs they say are ''evidence-based'', but they are usually less than keen on conducting the experiments needed to obtain that evidence. Andrew Leigh is different.

The rules on political donations are set to get tighter.

Integrity of ideas not donations

The goals of an upcoming bill to improve our electoral system are misguided; with significant undesirable and unappreciated consequences.

Michaelia Cash addresses a Senate estimates hearing on Wednesday.

Michaelia Cash comes out swinging with Canberra's latest weapon of choice: women

Canberra represents a perfect environment for infidelity - you’re away from your family, it’s lonely, you’re working long hours with interesting people with whom you share a common passion. Inject alcohol and a soulless Kingston serviced apartment into the mix, and you have a marriage in trouble, whether or not the wife knows it.