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Why Australia joining ASEAN is a great idea

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Why are the leaders of south-east Asia holding their summit in Australia for the first time? Malcolm Turnbull invited them because Australia is feeling more insecure in the world than at any time since World War II.

With a mad king in the White House castle and with an unconstrained China breaking international rules, Australia is casting about for security. South-east Asia could be Australia's last best option.

And its leaders agreed to come because they are feeling every bit as edgy, and some of them much more so.

Vietnam, for instance, is in a state of high alert against Chinese maritime territory-grabbing. Last week it hosted a US aircraft carrier for the first time since the Vietnam War.

Turnbull issued the call last April in a landmark speech in Singapore. Effectively, an anxious Australia called for volunteers to form a posse, a posse of countries to ride with Australia to help defend "the international rules-based order".

While Turnbull continues to work for the best with Trump's America and Xi Jinping's China, he is exploring other options as Australia prepares for the worst. Australia is hedging its position and rebuilding its sadly depleted armed forces.


Not that the 10-nation Association of South-East Asian Nations is any substitute for the US ally. Nor is it any protection against a rampant China. It's just that there aren't many other options.Australia has been working hard to improve relations with Japan and South Korea, the two biggest powers of north-east Asia other than China. And Canberra has been working on its relations with many other capitals too.

The world order, never very orderly, is in a new state of disorder. Most countries are casting about as power and relationships become unmoored.

ASEAN was set up half a century ago because Indonesia and its neighbours were trying to build defences against communism. When that danger passed, ASEAN turned its mind to liberalising trade and investment among its members. Recently it even declared the ambition of making ASEAN "EU-like" as a single community.

But ASEAN is a long way from the European Union's structure of rules and institutions. It has no common political principle like democracy, it has no regional parliament, no shared defence force, not even any rules for many areas of activity.

Another crucial difference is that the EU was led by the ambitions of its strongest members, Germany and France. Other powers had to run to keep up. ASEAN, by contrast, is held back by its most reluctant members. These are usually Cambodia, Laos and Myanmar, also among its weakest. Other powers have to exercise patience and forbearance to hold the group together. It runs on consensus, which means that its agenda is set by the lowest common denominator. This is called "the ASEAN way".

Indonesia's President Joko Widodo has endorsed the idea that Australia should join: "I think it's a good idea," he told Fairfax Media. This is a bombshell.

Australian leaders as far back as John Gorton and as recently as Malcolm Turnbull have fantasised about this idea in private. They have not spoken it in public, however, wary of the postcolonial insecurities of the ASEAN capitals.

A confident, modernising Widodo has broken through those insecurities. He sees that Australia would strengthen ASEAN against the challenge of an assertive China.

If achieved, Australian membership would increase ASEAN's heft, and Australia's too. This could appeal to some other ASEAN nations such as Vietnam and Singapore.

But Cambodia and Laos are clients of China, Malaysia resents Australia's outspoken attachment to the rule of law and the Philippines under Rodrigo Duterte is even madder and more impetuous than Donald Trump.

Widodo has set the ambition high and Australia would dearly love to be included. But in an organisation paced according to its least ambitious, this will be a long time coming.

Originally published on as 'Why Australia joining ASEAN is a great idea'.