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Kanchan Gupta
Writer. Columnist. Blogger. TV Commentator.
Kanchan Gupta(e)k bertxiotu du
Neha Srivastava 15 h
“Kerala State Development Corporation for Christian Converts from Scheduled Castes and the Recommended Communities Ltd. “ — Yep, there is such a public body in Kerala that waives your loans off only if you convert to Christianity. Jai Secular Kerala!
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Kanchan Gupta(e)k bertxiotu du
Samir Saran abe. 20
India ranked #12 in the global diplomacy index produced by - at #2 is catching up with the and leads and
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Kanchan Gupta(e)k bertxiotu du
Max Abrahms 8 h
What's behind the feud between Saudi Arabia and Iran? Power.
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Kanchan Gupta(e)k bertxiotu du
Rahul Raj 15 h
Meanwhile, Yogendra Yadav is saying something like: Gujarat election is a loss for the both BJP and Congress because the lucid manifestation of moribund sentiments swung between agrarian sovereign and multicultural regime to demolish class consciousness & economic stratification
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Kanchan Gupta(e)k bertxiotu du
Ibne Sena abe. 15
An open letter to separatist leader Syed Ali Shah Geelani.
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Kanchan Gupta(e)k bertxiotu du
Brahma Chellaney 18 h
My latest column: China is replicating the practices it learned in the European-colonial period when, in the famous words of Sun Yat-sen, “India was the favored wife of Britain while China was the common prostitute of all powers.”
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Kanchan Gupta 20 h
Yes, BJP will have additional numbers. But if BJP is looking at another 5 years it needs a super solid block in the Rajya Sabha. So every accretion counts.
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Kanchan Gupta 20 h
As reminds us, Advaniji’s film reviews would appear as a column ‘Cine Notes by Netra’.
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Kanchan Gupta(e)k bertxiotu du
Kanchan Gupta abe. 19
Anecdote. After Jana Sangh lost the Delhi Metropolitan Council election of 1958, a desolate Advaniji and an inconsolable Atalji went to watch the Raj Kapoor-Mala Sinha blockbuster 'Phir Subha Hogi' at Golcha Cinema. An inspired Atalji later penned 'आओ फिर से दीया जलायें...'
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Kanchan Gupta 20 h
What’s this dottiness about and ? belongs to all. For the faithful marks the advent of Christ. For others, it celebrates and for pagans it is about worshipping .
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Kanchan Gupta 20 h
Yes. Gujarat result will impact Rajya Sabha numbers when biennial elections come up in that State. Not in the immediate future though.
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Kanchan Gupta 20 h
मेरे ख़्याल से अटलजी माफ़ी नहीं माँगते। याद रखें, सोनियाज़ी ने अटलजी को ‘ग़द्दार’ कहा था, कभी माफ़ी नहीं माँगी थीं उसके बाद। अटलजी का दिल बड़ा था, लेकिन वो अपने जगह पर अटल रहते थे। यह बात आप को भी पता है।
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Kanchan Gupta 20 h
Just got around to reading this excellent commentary in Thank you for pushing back on the dystopia. Hindu Dystopia Celebrates Condom Ad Ban. What’s Changed?
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Kanchan Gupta 21 h
Yes. And the point is about linking to property transactions hapening now. It can be done, it should be done and it must be done. Unless the claim of fighting benami transactions is bogus.
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Kanchan Gupta 21 h
Dabur ka tel can wait for the moment. What is imperative is for BJP to tell its MPs, MLAs and leaders, including wannabe leaders: Zip laga lo zuban pe.
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Kanchan Gupta 21 h
An occasional poke or jibe is fine, adds levity to politics. But when it becomes a routine act, the law of diminishing returns sets in. Also begins to reflect bankruptcy of thought and drought of ideas, resulting in losing your narrative and becoming hopelessly reactionary.
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Kanchan Gupta(e)k bertxiotu du
Pankaj Jha 21 h
गुजरात-हिमाचल की जीत का योगी कनेक्शन, मोदी के बाद सबसे ज्यादा रैलियां कीं
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Kanchan Gupta 21 h
Yes, Govt can. Right to property is not a fundamental right, more so when property is benami and purchased with bad money. That is how/why benami property is seized/attached. There is good reason why I keep saying engineers should stick to engineering. Case in point: Kejriwal.
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Kanchan Gupta 21 h
PM , somewhere this Govt has lost its way. can halt property deals worth thousands of crores. But no plan to do that. Yet Govt wants to link food worth a few rupees for starving poor to Aadhar.
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Kanchan Gupta 22 h
Villifying, demonising and demeaning for silliest of reasons is stupidest thing to do. Idiot Box does it to get TRPs by pandering to the LCD. No reason why either BJP or its supporters should ape the Idiot Box. Contest him on issues, but don't make him an underdog.
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