Prasanna Viswanathan


CEO,Swarajyamag (views personal)


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  1. Time to move on to the next outrage - Customs duty rise on life saving drugs unlikely to affect patients

  2. OROP to cost Rs7,483 crore a year:2014 to 2015 arrears would total Rs10,980 crore

  3. Xplosion in ! Been saying this for sometime now. needs !

  4. Ram Jethmalani to be the lawyer for the rump faction of veterans who will be agitating till Punjab elections

  5. Core constituency being ignored... Freedom fighters who were disenchanted w/ Congress and voted BJP in 2014 dumped 😂

  6. A great move to withdraw concessions but wait for the outrage over how heartless this govt is to Sr citizens :)

  7. India’s Rivalry With China May Help This Spanish Train Maker.

  8. Reading project for the next 5 years. Took 13 years to acquire the set! "History and Culture of the Indian People"

  9. Budget announcement fulfilled

  10. Great interview (from 1997) ... Field Marshal Sam Manekshaw discusses the 1971 war: cc

  11. There are a dozen real estate projects in East Bengaluru - Urban Forest, Forest Hills etc. I suspect this Leopard is part of their advt

  12. Here's how Twitter's new algorithmic timeline is going to work

  13. India Pride Project - How Smuggled Indian Art Is Brought Back Home. Amazing effort led by

  14. Best wishes to friend for his future endeavors. A pioneer in shaping an digital discourse that influenced 2014 election.

  15. Read how the inspired and his team are bringing back priceless artifacts smuggled out of India

  16. More power to India Pride Project. An online volunteer group bringing back priceless artifacts smuggled out of India

  17. Topping Up Skill India: An App To Help Skilled Youth Find Jobs

  18. What happens when govts provide an enabling environment and steps out of the way. Please repeat this over and over!

  19. Though Sangam poetry is firmly rooted in the Tamil landscape and its ethos, its themes and concerns are pan-Indian


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