Prasanna Viswanathan


CEO,Swarajyamag (views personal)

Đã tham gia tháng 4 năm 2009

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  1. Đã Tweet lại

    No ma'am it keeps even basic Internet from the masses for the next 10 years.

  2. How to rehabilitate Capitalism (India under Modi quoted as a good example)

  3. Đã Tweet lại

    Understand Maj Gen Satbir wants2move SC on OROP.Mustn't do so as he has no auth2spk on behalf of all veterans,most of whom r happy with OROP

  4. Kajol and set to join Prasar Bharati board

  5. By Privileging Tenant Rights Over Lenders Rights, SC May Have Given Crooks An Advantage.

  6. Đã Tweet lại

    At this juncture, India cannot afford fiscal consolidation - Srinivas Thiruvadanthai -

  7. Indian Economy heads for fastest growth in 5 years

  8. FRBM Is Dead. The Next Fiscal Policy Must Be Both Rigid And Flexible

  9. Đã Tweet lại

    This made me feel like learning Sanskrit

  10. Đã Tweet lại

    Sanskrit lovers cant miss 's latest column: Anthology Of Muktakas: A Treasury Of Literary Gems

  11. Jaitley faces a stark choice - either do fiscal consolidation or have growth

  12. Zuckerberg’s “Free Basics”: Why The Internet Ayatollahs Are Wrong

  13. The BJP Has Nothing To Gain By Running Away From Its Core Position As A Hindu Party

  14. Siachen Tragedy: The Trauma Is Real, But It’s Vital To Our Interests

  15. Đã Tweet lại

    Effectively transfer of wealth from telcos to tech-cos. As always with the baptists in the front, there are tons of bootleggers behind.

  16. Đã Tweet lại

    Siachen - The trauma is real but it is vital to our interest - article -

  17. Đã Tweet lại

    Zuckerberg's "Free Basics": Why The Internet Ayatollahs Are Wrong (via )

  18. Đã Tweet lại

    Kāvya— Anthology Of Muktakas: A Treasury Of Literary Gems

  19. Đã Tweet lại

    To provide better health &environment to the citizens of Mahadevapura,we will b setting up 4garbage processing units

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